

    IBM AIX 3.2.55, 4.1.x, 4.2.x


    The  specification  for  the  Internet  Protocol  (IP) says that a
    packet may be up to 65,535  (2^16 - 1) bytes in length,  including
    the  packet  header.   But  the  specifications  for  most network
    technologies in  use today  do not  allow packets  that big.   For
    example, the maximum Ethernet packet size is 1,500 bytes.

    To allow large packets to be  sent, IP allows the sender to  break
    a large  packet up  into several  smaller packets.   Each fragment
    packet contains  an offset  value that  says where  in the  larger
    packet this fragment  belongs -- the  first fragment will  have an
    offset of zero, the second  fragment will have an offset  equal to
    the length  of the  first fragment,  and so  on.   Note that  this
    makes  it  possible  to  combine  a  valid  offset with a suitable
    fragment size such  that (offset +  size) is greater  than 65,535,
    the maximum size of a packet.

    The problem arises in the way packet fragmentation is  implemented
    by most  systems.   Typically, they  do not  attempt to  process a
    packet until all the fragments  have been received and an  attempt
    has been made to reassemble them into one big packet.  This  opens
    these systems to the  possibility for overflow of  16-bit internal
    variables, resulting in system crashes, protocol hangs, and  other

    This problem was first discovered  in the context of sending  ICMP
    ECHO REQUEST  packets, commonly  called "ping"  packets after  the
    application program used  to send them.   Most implementations  of
    "ping"  will  not  allow  improperly-sized  packets  to  be  sent,
    although there are  several exceptions to  this (and many  systems
    can be  modified to  allow it,  in any  case).   Because sending a
    single, large (65,510  bytes) "ping" packet  to many systems  will
    cause them to hang or even crash, this problem was quickly  dubbed
    the "Ping o' Death."


    Get patch.  If you are running AIX 4.x, you can determine  whether
    or not you  have these fixes  installed on your  system by issuing
    the command

        instfix -ik APAR_ID

    where "APAR_ID" is the applicable "IXnnnnn" number for patch.
    For more information on FixDist, and to obtain fixes via the
    Internet, please reference

    or send electronic mail to "" with the  word
    "FixDist" in the "Subject:" line.

    Fixes are:

        System        Patch
        AIX 3.2.5     APAR - IX59644
        AIX 4.1.x     APAR - IX59453
        AIX 4.2.x     APAR - IX61858