AIX 4.1.5, 4.2.1
Kyle Amon found following. On AIX, named-xfer has the following
-r-sr-xr-- 1 root system 32578 Feb 18 1997 /usr/sbin/named-xfer
which of course means that only root and members of the system
group have execute permission but that (since the SUID bit is set)
it executes as root even when run by non-root members of the
system group. So, although one would have to already be a member
of the system group (or manage to obtain such status) in order to
exploit the problem described here, it's still a rather
significant problem. And its much worse than the old sendmail -C
problem which was still exploitable in AIX up until very recently
when one was a member of the system group. The big difference
here being that sendmail -C only let one read files they shouldn't
have been able to read whereas this problem lets one write them.
The problem is that named-xfer writes it's resulting zone file
(when using the -f option) without (or at least before)
relinquishing it's root privilege (and I doubt it ever
relinquishes it since it doesn't really need it in the first
place). So, for example, if one were to set up a zone at in the following manner... putting this in the
named.boot file...
primary + db.hack
and giving db.hack contents as follows...
@ IN SOA (
666 ; Serial
10800 ; Refresh
3600 ; Retry
3600000 ; Expire
86400 ) ; Minimum TTL
then run a command like this on some victim AIX machine...
named-xfer -z + -f /.rhosts
they will put this file in root's home directory...
-rw-r--r-- 1 root system 155 Jan 8 03:52 .rhosts
with contents of this.
; zone '+' last serial 0
; from at Thu Jan 8 03:52:19 1998
+ IN SOA (
666 10800 3600 3600000 86400 )
All they need do then is create a user like this (anywhere)...
and login or su to it then rlogin to victim AIX machine as root!
Isn't that special? So now we have reason number 9999 not to run
the BSD "r" commands on our machines. Gentle reader will be able
to come up with a handfull of others... and the not so gentle
reader will immediately see possibilities for overwriting the
/etc/passwd file or the kernel. This was verified on AIX 4.1.5
and 4.2.1 only, but it is likely a pervasive problem.
The simple fix is that the damn thing doesn't need it's SUID bit
set in order to work.
AIX administrative groups (such as system) should only be assigned
to users that are trusted to perform duties that ordinarily would
require the root password. To put it another way, if you need to
use named-xfer to get root from the system group, your cracker
license is getting stale.