

    FreeBSD, many other BSD stuff


    Brian Mitchell posted following.   DDB is the kernel debugger.  It
    lets you debug the kernel upon  a panic or when you wish  to enter
    it via a key sequence on the console. There appears to be a slight
    problem though, you  can use DDB  to lower the  securelevel of the
    system. The following shows one example:

        # sysctl -w kern.securelevel=10
        kern.securelevel: 0 -> 10
        # Debugger("manual escape to debugger")
        Stopped at      _Debugger+0x35: movb    $0,_in_Debugger.118
        db> write securelevel 0
        _securelevel                 0xa        =              0
        db> cont

        # sysctl kern.securelevel
        kern.securelevel: 0

    Also  you  can  a)  raise  your  privelege level (walk the process
    list, find the cred stuff for the appropriate process, and  change
    it, b)  make the  machine panic  c) remove  the code that prevents
    you from doing any number of things while at a higher securelevel,
    d) remove the code that  prevents you from removing the  code that
    prevents you from doing things at a higher securelevel, etc.


    The most straightforward solution to  this is to simply not  allow
    DDB to be  run when securelevel  > 0. Enclosed  is a simple  patch
    against  2.2.1  to   do  this.   Note   that  FreeBSD  runs   with
    securelevel -1, while  that's not case  with others so  apply this
    solution only if  understund what's what  are you doing.   Anyway,
    removing ddb would be also solution.

    *** i386/i386/db_interface.c    Sat Aug 30 08:57:36 1997
    --- i386/i386/        Sat Aug 30 09:00:43 1997
    *** 241,246 ****
    --- 241,256 ----

             * XXX
    +        * Do nothing if the securelevel is > 0. The justification
    +        * being that DDB can be used to lower the securelevel, so
    +        * if we run > 0, we should not be able to run DDB at all.
    +        * Modifying DDB to be securelevel friendly is not an option.
    +        */
    +       if(securelevel > 0)
    +               return;
    +       /*
    +        * XXX
             * Do nothing if the console is in graphics mode.  This is
             * OK if the call is for the debugger hotkey but not if the call
             * is a weak form of panicing.