

    BSD/OS 2.1 and 3.0 (BSDI), FreeBSD, Linux, OpenBSD 2.1


    Bennett Samowich  pointed out  possible weakness  in LPD protocol.
    He  noticed  some  weaknesses  in  the  implementation  of the LPR
    protocol.  Mostly it appears to affect BSD based UNIX's.  He found
    it using the source for BSD4.4, and tested it on "Linux  Slackware
    2.2.0".  He  has also tested  it on AIX  4.1.5 and it  seems to be
    OK.  This advisory is mixed with SNI-19 report too.

    Explaining this assumes that you are familiar with [RFC-1179  Line
    Printer Daemon  Protocol].   If you  are not  familiar or have not
    read it, it may be obtained via FTP from

    The possibilities are as follows:

        1.) Obtaining hard  (or possibly soft)  copies of any  file on
            the system.
        2.) Deleting any file on the system.
        3.) Creating a file on the system.
        4.) Mail bombing.
        5.) Remote execution (SNI-19)

    There are  a few  requirements that  need to  be met  in order  to
    perform these actions.

    1.) Must be 'root' on the source machine.
    NOTE:  Under Windows95 the  user already has 'root' status.   This
           means that anyone on a  Win95 box can bind network  sockets
           to the reserved ports.

    2.) Must have or obtain permission to print to the target machine.
        Usually  machines  on  the  same  network will have permission
        to print to each other, but that may not always be the case.

    3.) Must have or obtain  access to the target printer.   Otherwise
        how will you get your printout?

    When lpd sends  a file to  a remote machine  it creates a  control
    file used  to instruct  the remote  machine on  how to process the
    incoming print job.    These commands are outlined in  [RFC-1179].
    It is the implementation of the control commands that provide  the

    1.) Obtaining hard  (or possibly soft)  copies of any  file on the
        system.  The control command  'f' causes a file to  be printed
        as text.

        The syntax is: f filename [LF]

        Therefore, by  inserting the  line:   "f/etc/shadow" into  the
        control file  you will  cause the  Shadow password  file to be
        printed.  (Hard copy)

        If the print queue points  to a network printer then  it would
        be possible to capture the packets. (Soft copy)

    2.) Delete any file on the system.
        The  control  command  'U'  instructs  the  remote  machine to
        "unlink" the file upon completion of the job.

        The syntax is: U filename [LF]

        Therefore, by inserting the line: "U/vmlinuz" into the control
        file you will  cause the Linux  kernel to be  removed from the
        file system.

    3.) Create a file on the remote system.
        This is a little trickier,  in that BSD4.4 takes the  filename
        that you specify and appends its view of the calling machine's
        hostname  to  it.   However,   BSD4.4  starts  at  the   sixth

        The syntax is  2 size [SP]  filename [LF].   Where '2' is  the
        octet 2 not  the character, size  is the size  of the file  in
        bytes, filename is ...  (DUH).

        - From RECVJOB.C

                case '\2':      /* read cf file */
                        size = 0;
                        while (*cp >= '0' && *cp <= '9')
                                size = size * 10 + (*cp++ - '0');
                        if (*cp++ != ' ')
                         * host name has been authenticated, we use our
                         * view of the host name since we may be passed
                         * something different than what gethostbyaddr()
                         * returns
    HERE ----------->  strcpy(cp + 6, from);
                        strcpy(tfname, cp);
                        tfname[0] = 't';
                        if (!chksize(size)) {
                                (void) write(1, "\2", 1);
                        if (!readfile(tfname, size)) {
                        if (link(tfname, cp) < 0)
                                frecverr("%s: %m", tfname);
                        (void) unlink(tfname);
                        tfname[0] = '\0';

    The result is this:

        /rc             becomes         /rc
        /etc/passwd     becomes         /etc/

        This  is  accomplished  by  using  the  printer command of '2'
        (receive control file)

        Therefore  by  sending  the  printer  command '2/rc'  and then
        sending  our  file,  we  have  created  a  file  in  the  root
        directory called 'rc'. By sending '2/home/yourfriend/somefile'
        and the your  file you will  have sent somefile  to yourfriend
        ... and even  put it in  their home directory.   Of course  it
        will have  the name, but  he got it
        none the less.

    4.) Mail bombing.
        The control command  'M' instructs lpd  to mail the  user when
        the job is finished.

        The syntax is: M username [LF]

        Therefore by adding the line: "" you
        will  cause  joeuser  to  receive  mail notification about the
        print job.   By adding several  thousand of these  lines, well
        you get the idea.

    5.) Remote execution (SNI-19)
        Individuals  with  access  to  the  line printer daemon from a
        privileged port on a  valid print client can  execute commands
        remotely  as  the  user  which   lpd  is  running  as.    This
        vulnerability can allow interactive shell access to the remote

        A privileged  port on  a valid  client system  is required  to
        exploit all of these  vulnerabilities.  A privileged  port can
        be obtained  on many  operating systems  by utilizing  another
        vulnerability  present  in  the  file transfer protocol daemon
        (ftpd).   This  vulnerability  is  commonly  known as the "FTP
        bounce" attack,  and allows  data to  be sent  to any internet
        address and port, originating from the FTP data port (20). For
        additional information about FTP bounce attacks, please see:


    Install  a  fixed  version  of  the  BSD  print software.  A fixed
    version of the  BSD print software  is availible at  the following
    ftp site:

    There was problem  wit original fix  so an updated  version of the
    recommended fixes  has been  placed in  the same  location as  the
    original fixes.

    This  package  fixes  numerous  other  problems present in the BSD
    printing  suite,  including  numerous  buffer overflows present in
    both the client  programs and the  server.  This  package has been
    provided by OpenBSD.

    LPRng is  not vulnerable  to any  of the  problems discussed here.
    LPRng is an alternative print spooler written by Patrick Powell.

    The FreeBSD and BSD/OS print system is not configured by  default,
    therefore all vulnerabilities  apply ONLY if  the system has  been
    configured  as  a  print  server.   In  2.1.7  and 2.2.2, the ftpd
    shipped  does  NOT  permit  the  ftp  bounce attack. Also, the lpd
    shipped does not permit connections from the FTP daemon.   Current
    versions  of  FreeBSD  are  vulnerable  only  if  the attacker has
    super-user access on a valid print client.

    If your Linux has  wu-ftpd-2.4.2-academ[BETA-13] then you are  NOT
    vulnerable  to   FTP  bounce   attacks.    If  you   do  not   see
    'academ[BETA-13]' then you can be in troubles.

    The OpenBSD print  system is not  enabled by default  and lpd does
    not permit connections from the  FTP daemon.  OpenBSD ftpd  is not
    vulnerable to ftp bounce attacks.   OpenBSD is vulnerable only  if
    the  attacker  has  super-user  access  to  a  valid print client.
    OpenBSD-current has all of the above problems fixed.

    You  may  as  solution  install  a  FTP  daemon which prevents ftp
    bounce.  This FTP daemon should be installed on all print  clients
    to  prevent  non-root  users  from  obtaining a privileged port to
    connect to the print daemon with.   You can obtain a copy of  this
    ftpd at:

    Installing this alternate FTP daemon will limit the above attacks,
    however will still allow an attacker who has super-user access  on
    a valid print client to exploit these problems.