4.4BSD NFS File Handles


    4.4BSDLite2 appears vulnerable based on source inspection only.
    BSD/OS 2.0, 2.1, 3.0
    FreeBSD 2.1.5, 2.1.6, 2.1.7
    NetBSD 1.2 appears vulnerable based on source inspection only.
    OpenBSD 2.0 is vulnerable.
    OpenBSD-current  obtained  on  14  February  1997  or  earlier  is


    Following information is Secure  Networks Inc. copyright and  this
    text is part of their security advisory (March 7, 1997).

    There is a serious  vulnerability in 4.4BSD and  derivatives which
    allows unprivileged  users to  obtain valid  NFS file  handles.  A
    NFS  file  handle  will  permit  a  user  to, at the least, obtain
    access  as  any  non-root  user  to  the  filesystem, and possibly
    obtain root privileges.

    The problem  occurs due  to the  fact that  unprivileged users are
    able  to  obtain  all  information  required  to generate NFS file

    In  addition  to  returning  traditional  information, such as the
    creation time, size, inode number and last modification time,  the
    4.4BSD stat(2) system  call and related  functions return a  field
    called  st_gen.   The  st_gen  field  is  a  4 byte value which is
    different for each  item on the  filesystem.  The  st_gen value is
    used as a generation number to make NFS file handles difficult  to
    guess.  Unfortunately, because all information used to generate  a
    file  handle  is  availible  to  users,  a  user can generate file
    handles identical  to those  given to  NFS client  hosts accessing
    file systems on the local server.

    Because  a  file  handle  is  all  that  is  needed  to  mount   a
    filesystem,  a  user  can  then  mount  any  exported filesystems,
    performing arbitrary filesystem  operations as any  non-root user,
    assuming they are  on a host  in the server's  export list.   Such
    access will commonly result in the user obtaining root privileges.

    The incorrect code in the vn_stat() function, called by stat(2)

        	sb->st_gen = vap->va_gen;
        	sb->st_blocks = vap->va_bytes / S_BLKSIZE;
        	return (0);

    It should be noted that in the above source code, all  information
    from the generation  number is pulled  out and given  to the user.
    A correct  implementation will  only permit  root users  to access
    this number, as shown in the following example source code:

            sb->st_flags = vap->va_flags;
            if (suser(p->p_ucred, &p->p_acflag)) {
                    sb->st_gen = 0;
            } else {
                    sb->st_gen = vap->va_gen;
            sb->st_blocks = vap->va_bytes / S_BLKSIZE;
            return (0);

    This will cause the st_gen field of the stat structure returned to
    unprivileged users to be zero, thus preventing ordinary users from
    determining file handles simply  from the information returned  by
    stat(2).  Individuals with shell access to a NFS server or  client
    can obtain access to  the NFS server as  any non-root user.   This
    will usually lead to root compromise.

    If you have  any questions about  SNI advisory, feel  free to mail
    author  at  Theo  Deraadt initially alerted to
    this problem  which was discovered by David Mazieres.


    Note that OpenBSD-current obtained  later than February 14  is not

    If you are running a NFS server on your 4.4BSD system, or using  a
    4.4BSD system as  a NFS client,  we suggest modifying  your kernel
    so  that  stat(2),   and  lstat(2)  do   not  provide  st_gen   to
    unprivileged  users.   You  should  also  modify  any system calls
    which  return  the  same  information  as the above functions, but
    which  exist  solely  for  backwards  compatibility  with  4.3BSD.
    Finally, the generation numbers  assigned to new inodes  should be
    nonguessable.  Vendors are strongly urged to provide a utility  to
    enable administrators to re-randomize the generation numbers  when
    they suspect that file handles have been comprimised.

    A program to randomize  generation numbers on 4.4BSD  derived file
    systems can be obtained at:

    WARNING:   The above  fsirand program  has been  tested on various
    4.4BSD  derived  operating  systems  and  has  performed   without
    problems.   With this  in mind,  there is  absolutely no guarantee
    that this program  will work correctly  on your file  systems, and
    users  should  back  up  all  data prior to randomizing generation
    numbers.  The  author assumes no  liability.  To  initially verify
    that fsirand  will work  correctly, a  user may  want to  create a
    file system  on a  floppy drive  and test  the fsirand  program on
    that file system.

        BSD/OS:  Contact  BSDi  for  a  fix.   A fix will be availible
        shortly after the release of this advisory.  BSDI patches  can
        be obtained by ftping to or  by
        mailing   The  fsirand  program  has   been
        tested on BSD/OS 2.1 and has functioned without any problems.

        FreeBSD  and  NetBSD:  Back  up  your  system.  Then apply the
        included  patch,  then  recompile  your  kernel  and reboot in
        single user mode.   At this point  the fsirand program  should
        be run on  all exported file  systems.  Once  complete, reboot
        to multi-user mode.   It would be a  good idea to run  fsirand
        on all file  systems, in the  event that some  may be exported
        in the future.

        OpenBSD: Back  up your  system.   Then use  anoncvs to upgrade
        your  system  to  OpenBSD-current,  recompile your kernel, and
        reboot in single user mode.  Run the fsirand program which  is
        part of OpenBSD in  order to randomize generation  numbers for
        pre-existing filesystems.  Finally reboot to multi-user mode.

    The  following  diffs  are  to  the  4.4BSDLite2  vfs_vnops.c, and
    prevent  users  from  using  stat(2)  and related system calls for
    obtaining file handle generation numbers.

		*** vfs_vnops.c Thu Mar  6 21:37:16 1997
		--- vfs_vnops.c.orig    Thu Mar  6 21:34:53 1997
		*** 344,350 ****
        		sb->st_ctimespec = vap->va_ctime;
        		sb->st_blksize = vap->va_blocksize;
        		sb->st_flags = vap->va_flags;
		!       sb->st_gen = vap->va_gen;
		        sb->st_blocks = vap->va_bytes / S_BLKSIZE;
    		    return (0);
		--- 344,354 ----
    		    sb->st_ctimespec = vap->va_ctime;
        		sb->st_blksize = vap->va_blocksize;
      			sb->st_flags = vap->va_flags;
		!       if (suser (p->u_cred, &p->p_acflag)) {
		!               sb->st_gen = 0;
		!       } else {
		!               sb->st_gen = vap->va_gen;
		!       }
		        sb->st_blocks = vap->va_bytes / S_BLKSIZE;
		        return (0);