

    HP 9000 series 700/800 at HpUX revision 10.X


    Following is based  on HP Support  Information Digests.   The PATH
    environemnt  variable   is  constructed   from  several    sources
    including dtsearchpath  and scripts  in /etc/dt/config/Xsession.d/
    and /usr/dt/config/Xsession.d/.   The resulting PATH  contains the
    string "::" which  will be interpreted  as the current  directory.
    The root user should not have the current directory in the PATH.


    Since  the   PATH  environment   variable  can   be  affected   by
    dtsearchpath and several scripts,  the recommended solution is  to
    clean up  the root  user's PATH  after is  has been  created.   In
    /usr/dt/bin/Xsession just before this:

    # ###########################################################################
    #   Startup section.

    Add this:

    ###################### Clean up $PATH for root ##########################
    if [ "$USER" = "root" ]
      Log "Clean up PATH for root user"
      Log "Old PATH = $PATH"
      PATH=`echo $PATH | awk '
     # Remove elements from PATH that are
     #  (a)  "."
     #  (b)  ""
     #  (c)  blank
       gsub (" ",":", $0) # Substitite ":" for each blank
       n = split ($0, path, ":")  # Split into elements with ":" as delimiter
       first = 1  # To suppress leading ":" in new PATH
       for (i=1; i<=n; i++) {
         len = length(path[i])
         dot = index(path[i], ".")
         dot_only = 0
         if ((len == 1) && (dot==1)) {
           dot_only = 1
         # print element if it is not "" and not "."
         if (!(len==0) && !(dot_only==1)) {
           if(first != 1) {
             printf (":") # if not first element, print ":" in front
           printf ("%s",path[i])
           first = 0
    END { printf ("\n") }'`
    Log "New PATH = $PATH"
    ###################### End - Clean up $PATH for root ####################