

    HP 9000 series 700/800 systems running version 10.20


    Large  user  and  group  id's  are  new features of HP-UX revision
    10.20.   Requirements for  a program  to work  in a  large uid/gid
    system are  detailed in  the 10.20  Release Notes.   In particular
    the uid or gid must not be stored  in a short int.  Doing so in  a
    suid program can  result in an  increase in capability,  including
    root access.


    Install PHSS_11309, PHNE_9377, and  PHNE_9504.   Then examine  the
    system for suid  files that may  not be safe  for a large  uid/gid
    system.  Any  such files must  be certified by  their providers as
    safe for  use in  large uid/gid  system.   Apply patch PHSS_11309.
    PHSS_9799, which superseded  PHSS_9343, inadvertently omitted  the
    fix.   Do  not  use  PHSS_9799;  it  is  now  unavailable.    Both
    PHSS_9343 and PHSS_9799 have been superseded by PHSS_11309,  which
    does have the fix.