fam service


    All SGI IRIX systems running the fam server are vulnerable.


    The  following  information  is  based  on  Secure  Networks  Inc.
    security advisory.

    IRIX  workstations  commonly  run  a  service known as "fam" (file
    alteration monitor).   This service  allows any  user to  obtain a
    complete listing of files and directories on vulnerable systems.

    The fam service, RPC program 391002, is used by other programs  to
    keep  track  of  file  modifications.   When  a  program initially
    connects to the fam server, it  passes the fam server the name  of
    a file  or directory  to watch.   If the  fam server  is passed  a
    directory,  it  immediately  gives  the  client a complete list of
    files and subdirectories  in that directory.   By passing the  fam
    server  a  request  to  monitor  the root directory, and following
    subdirectories  from  there,  an  attacker  can  remotely obtain a
    complete  list  of  files  on  the  system.  The fam server should
    restrict  access  to  legitimate  NFS  clients, and enforce access
    control to prevent local users from listing each others files.

    Attackers  can  remotely  obtain  a  complete  list  of  files and
    directories  on  a  Silicon  Graphics  IRIX  system  running a fam
    server.   To determine  whether your  workstation is  running this
    service, type:

        % /usr/etc/rpcinfo -p | grep 391002

    If you are vulnerable, you will see a line as follows:

        391002    1   tcp   1051  sgi_fam

    If no output is generated, then you are not running a fam  server.
    Any  other  type  of  output,  such  as an error message, probably
    indicates that you are  either specifying the wrong  directory for
    the rpcinfo program, or that there are no rpc services running  at


    If you do  not use any  programs, such as  the IRIX file  manager,
    fm(1G), or mailbox(1), which require fam, you can disable the  fam
    service by  commenting out  the entry  for it  in /etc/inetd.conf,
    and rebooting.   The fam  daemon is  installed by  default on  all
    versions  of  IRIX  5.X  and  IRIX  6.X.  The fam vulnerability is
    scheduled to be fixed in IRIX 6.5.8.