wrap.cgi, handler.cgi, day5datacopier.cgi, day5notifier.cgi


    IRIX 6.2


    If you checked for httpd #2 under IRIX section on Security Bugware
    you know about webdist.cgi vulnerability.  Yuri Volobuev had  more
    to say about IRIX www security.  The following text is his credit.

    webdist.cgi has brothers.  cgi-bin/wrap, as J.A. Gutierrez  kindly
    pointed out,  can be  used to  list any  directory on  the system.
    The script itself is capable  of doing even more damage,  but it's
    saved by  the fact  that it  uses ARGV[0],  and httpd  escapes all
    metacharacters  in  ARGV.   Script  attempts  to  do some security
    checks, but  the only  one that  actually prevents  it from  being
    exploited is the  test for file  existence.  See  notes on tardist

    wrap is designed  to work in  tandem with /cgi-bin/handler,  which
    could be used  to download any  file under htdocs.   That probably
    doesn't sound  too bad,  but it  is.   When users  are added using
    Irix GUI, a symlink from /var/www/htdocs to ~luser/public_html  is
    created.   Now, many  users like  playing with  CGI scripts, which
    are  enabled  for   everybody  in  default   Irix  httpd   config.
    Exploiting unknown CGI script is a tedious task and requires  some
    vivid imagination.  handler can simplify that.  You just  download
    the .cgi file  and look at  it.  Or  may be web  man has protected
    some directory by index.html and/or .htaccess.  wrap+handler  will
    happily ignore all  of them and  allow you to  grab what you  want
    (.htpasswd, for instance).   See example below.   Note, that  it's
    actually a FEATURE, not a bug, just use the script the way it  was
    designed to work.

    Apart from nice  scripts in /cgi-bin,  there's a load  of goods in
    /WhatsNew.  It's just an amazing  pile of crap.  Thanks Lord  it's
    protected by  .htaccess which  only allows  access from localhost,
    otherwise it's just  a remote root  hole right there.   It has  32
    CGI scripts, and  as if it  wasn't enough, there're  two root-suid
    binaries  that  do  most  of  the  work, plus a root crontab entry
    Mike  Neuman's  right,  there's  no  need  to be smart here.  Both
    day5datacopier  and  day5notifier  (search  on  IRIX section under
    Securiry Bugware  for description)  are written  in a  genuine SGI
    root-suid  style,  i.e.   both  execute  external  programs  while
    euid=0   using   system()    _without_   using   absolute    path.
    day5datacopier  calls  cp  first,  day5notifier  calls  ps.    Put
    necessary programs with right names first in PATH and enjoy.

    Default Irix config has Netscape, which comes with _rich_  mailcap
    file.   Several  entries  deserve  honorable  mentions  there, but
    perhaps application/x-tardist one is  the best.  When  poor surfer
    clicks on  the link  that feeds  that MIME  type to  Netscape, per
    mailcap it invokes /usr/sbin/tardist on it.  tardist file is  just
    a tar  file that  contains a  distribution in  Irix "dist" format.
    So  tardist  creates  a  subdirectory  in  /tmp,  untars  tmp file
    supplied by netscape,  and runs swmgr.   Now I'm an  evil guy.   I
    have  that  link  on  my  page,  disguised  by javascript, that is
    actually a CGI script that checks Agent header for  SGI-"enhanced"
    netscape.  If it's there, it fingers host where request is  coming
    from, look  at idle  time and  ttys to  find out  which luser runs
    netscape  and  what  is  is  home  directory,  and  send  reply on
    application/x-tardist  type  that  consists  of  a  tar  file that
    contains  ../../usr/people/luser/.rhosts.   Luser,  after clicking
    on  that  link,  suddenly  sees  a  window  prompting  for  a root
    password (it's swmgr running).   Luser quickly clicks Cancel,  but
    it's too late.   tar file was already  unpacked, and luser has  no
    idea what's happened.  Of course, there're many ways to use  this,
    for instance, create directory  /var/www/htdocs/blah;/tmp/myscript
    and /tmp/myscript,  and then  check out  (yes, /var/www/htdocs  is


    /usr/local/lib/netscape/mailcap  on  Irix  is  loaded  with  crap.
    Luckily most of the entries  use programs that don't exist  on the
    box I use, but what I can see there gives me shivers.

    Sure, having booby traps on one's web page is lame, but, as it was
    wonderfully said in "12 monkeys", "This woman is my  psychiatrist.
    ..." fill the gap yourself.


    Nuke it all.  Nothing  useful there.  Uninstall all  packages that
    contains WWW stuff:

        notably outbox.sw.webdist,

    See  what's   left  in   /var/www/htdocs  /var/www/cgi-bin,    and
    uninstall it too.  Purge mailcap ruthlessly.  Remember, _all_  WWW
    stuff from SGI is  potentially dangerous, don't take  any chances.
    And, even better, write an angry letter to SGI.

    You may patch them (wrap and handler):

    *** handler.orig        Wed Jul 23 20:49:26 1997
    --- handler     Wed Jul 23 20:55:25 1997
    *** 26,31 ****
    --- 26,32 ----
      $pathRoot = $_[$#_] ;
      $doc      = $ROOT.$PATH ;

    + $_ = $PATH;
      &ErrBadPath unless &ValidPath ; # Check for server spoofing

    *** 108,113 ****
    --- 109,117 ----

      sub ValidPath
    + # suggested by
    +     if (/[|;]/)       { return '' };
          return 1 unless /\.\./ ;

          return '' if /^\.\./ ;
    *** 117,120 ****
    --- 121,136 ----
          return 1 ;

    + sub ErrBadPath
    + {
    +       print <<ENDOFTEXT ;
    + Content-type: text/html

    + <HEAD><TITLE>404 Not Found</TITLE></HEAD>
    + <BODY><H1>404 Not Found</H1>
    + The requested URL $PATH was not found on this server.<P>
    + </BODY>
    +       die ;
    + }

    *** wrap.orig   Wed Jul 23 20:51:08 1997
    --- wrap        Wed Jul 23 20:51:08 1997
    *** 66,71 ****
    --- 66,74 ----
      $doc      = $ROOT.$PATH ;

      &DefaultMesg if ! defined $PATH || $PATH eq "" ;      # Get a base listing =)
    + $_ = $PATH;
      &ErrBadPath unless &ValidPath ;       # Check for server spoofing
      &ErrBadPath unless -e $doc ;  # Check to see it exists
      &HandleDownload if -f $doc ;  # Do the right thing
    *** 242,247 ****
    --- 245,253 ----

      sub ValidPath
    + # suggested by
    +       if (/[|;]/) { return '' };
            return 1 unless /\.\./ ;

            return '' if /^\.\./ ;