

    IRIX 5.3, 6.2


    Under   the   IRIX   operating    system,   there   is   a    file
    /etc/default/login  which   contains  default   security   logging
    configuration options.   If the parameter  LOCKOUT is included  in
    this file,  and is  set to  a value  greater than  zero, it causes
    accounts  to  be  locked  after  a specified number of consecutive
    unsuccessful login attempts by the same user.  posted  following  vulnerability.   Several
    modern  unixes  provide  configuration  options  for  security and
    logging in a file called  /etc/default/login.  Irix, and I  assume
    some  others  but  perhaps  it's  an  Irix  invention,  includes a
    variable  "LOCKOUT"  which  causes  an  account  with  a specified
    number of  incorrect login  attempts in  a row  to be  locked (one
    successful login  resets the  count).   This seems  like a  really
    good idea, especially if you set the variable high enough that  no
    one  would  ever  be  locked  out  through  mistakes  whereas  any
    automated password  guessing program  (which ran  over the  net by
    telnetting  in)  would  be  stopped.   Since  one successful login
    clears  the  record,  people  are  not  able  to  accumulate   the
    requisite number of  failures over an  extended period of  time so
    as to be suddenly  surprised one day.   It should be good,  if not
    for  the  following  serious  security  flaw,  at  least  in Irix,
    checked in both 5.3 and 6.2.

    Sites can determine if this functionality is enabled by using  the

        % grep '^LOCKOUT' /etc/default/login

    If the number on the same line as LOCKOUT is greater than zero the
    vulnerability may be exploited.

    Login  maintains  the  LOCKOUT-related   data  in  the   directory
    /var/adm/badlogin,  which  it  creates  when  first  needed.  Each
    logname gets a one  byte file; that byte  is the number of  failed
    login attempts.

    Some time after turning it on, I looked again at /var/adm/badlogin
    and was  astonished to  find quite  a lot  of stuff  in there.  It
    seems  that  whatever  you  type  to  "login:"  gets  counted as a
    logname  for  LOCKOUT  purposes.   So  this  directory   contained
    misspellings, and garbage, and line noise, AND passwords...

    But that's not all.  Since  it doesn't check the logname, you  can
    type pathnames.  Try this:

        IRIX (

        login: ../../../etc/something
        UX:login: ERROR: Login incorrect

    You've now created an /etc/something.  This works.

    You can't always  overwrite existing files;  flaps's not sure  why
    because sometimes he  can.  But  it doesn't truncate  the file, it
    just increments the first byte.  So the exploit is not obvious.


    Disable the LOCKOUT parameter in /etc/default/logins on Irixes  by
    setting it  to zero  or commenting  it out  (that's how it ships),
    and  on  whatever  other  unix  platforms  have  it  and have this
    security problem.   It's easily  tested by  telnetting as  in  the
    above   example   and   then   checking   for   the  existence  of

    Patches are:

    OS Version     Vulnerable?     Patch #      Other Actions
    ----------     -----------     -------      -------------
    IRIX 3.x          no
    IRIX 4.x          no
    IRIX 5.0.x        yes          not avail    Note
    IRIX 5.1.x        yes          not avail    Note
    IRIX 5.2          yes          not avail    Note
    IRIX 5.3          yes          2216
    IRIX 6.0.x        yes          not avail    Note
    IRIX 6.1          yes          not avail    Note
    IRIX 6.2          yes          2181
    IRIX 6.3          yes          2232
    IRIX 6.4          yes          2233

    Note means to apply temp solution above.