



    Following  is  based  on  SGI  Security  Advisory.   The  sendmail
    distribution provides a means to deliver and receive network mail.
    Older versions of sendmail  were vulnerable to several  mail relay
    vulnerabilities which allowed it  to relay unsolicited email  such
    as  SPAM.    sendmail  8.9.3  includes   improved  anti-spam   and
    anti-relay capabilities to minimize this issue.

    sendmail is installed by default on all releases of IRIX.  A local
    user account is  not needed to  exploit the sendmail's  mail relay
    capabilities  to  relay  unsolicited  mail  such  as  SPAM.  These
    vulnerabilities has been  publicly discussed in  Usenet newsgroups
    and mailing lists.


    Install patch  3865 for  IRIX 6.5.7  release streams.   Patch 3865
    will  only  install  on  IRIX  6.5.7  release streams.  Patch 3865
    includes source code to sendmail 8.9.3 as well as SGI extensions.

    If you have not  received an IRIX 6.5.7  CD for IRIX 6.5,  contact
    your SGI Support Provider  or download the IRIX  6.5.7 Maintenance
    Release Stream from:

    Information about installing IRIX 6.5.7 can be found at:

    There are no current plans  to release a sendmail 8.9.3  patch for
    older releases of IRIX.