AMaViS virus scanner




    Chris McDonough found following.   The AMaViS incoming-mail  virus
    scanning utility, available at

    for Linux has problems.  What's the exploit.  Send a message  with
    a   virus-infected   file   attachment.     Use   something   like
    "`/sbin/reboot`" as  your reply-to  address in  your MUA
    when  sending  the  message.   When  the  AMaViS  box receives the
    message,  it  will  go  through  its  scripts,  find  the   virus,
    construct  an  email  message  to  send  back to the sender of the
    virus-infected file... line 601+ in the "scanmails" script:

        cat <<EOF| ${mail} -s "VIRUS IN YOUR MAIL TO $7" $2

                           V I R U S  A L E R T

          Our viruschecker found a VIRUS in your email to "$7".
                   We stopped delivery of this email!

            Now it is on you to check your system for viruses

          For further information about this viruschecker see:
                AMaViS - A Mail Virus Scanner, licenced GPL

    ...  the  $2  expands  to  a  shell  command (e.g. "/sbin/reboot")
    which runs as root.

    To  add  insult  to  injury,  Kurt  Seifried  attempted to contact
    maintainer  (also  with  no  luck)  about  a nasty bug, when using
    Sophos  (and  likely  other  anti  virus  software) AMaViS was not
    picking  up  on  the  updates,  that  is  the updated IDE files in
    /opt/ide, and defined as  SAV_IDE=/opt/ide were not being  used by
    AMaViS, however from the  command line, using the  "sweep" command
    they  were  picked  up  fine,  this means AMaViS doesn't generally
    pick up on  BO2K, etc.   Perhaps a new  maintainer (an active  one
    anyways, with a pulse) is needed.


    To solve it,  Juergen Quade created  the following diff  file.  It
    represents  the  difference  between  his "secured" and "insecure"
    scanmails shell script file.   Chris solved it differently,  using
    a procmail recipe, but this will work too:

    --- scanmails.orig	Wed Jun 30 12:54:02 1999
    +++ scanmails	Wed Jun 30 12:54:15 1999
    @@ -122,6 +122,50 @@


    +# Chris McDonough informed us, that it is possible to execute #
    +# programs by sending an email, wich contains a virus and has #
    +# as return address something like:                           #
    +# 	     `/sbin/reboot`                            #
    +# or                                                          #
    +# 	     $(/sbin/reboot)                           #
    +# The execution of the command (/sbin/reboot) is done by the  #
    +# "mail" program. Therefore we parse the arguments in order   #
    +# to substitute those characters to nothing                   #
    +#                                                             #
    +# Wed Jun 30 11:47:55 MEST 1999                               #
    +# substitute all "`","$(",")" to nothing
    +if [ "$sender" != "$2" -o "$receiver" != "$7" ] ; then
    +	cat <<EOF | ${mail} -s "Intrusion???" ${mailto}
    +# Chris McDonough informed us, that it is possible to execute #
    +# programs by sending an email, wich contains a virus and has #
    +# as return address something like:                           #
    +# 	     \`/sbin/rebbot\`                          #
    +# or                                                          #
    +# 	     \$\(/sbin/rebbot\)                        #
    +# The execution of the command (/sbin/rebbot) is done by the  #
    +# "mail" program. Therefore we parse the arguments in order   #
    +# to substitute those characters to nothing                   #
    +#                                                             #
    +# Wed Jun 30 11:47:55 MEST 1999                               #
    +	$7 or $2 is not a valid Email address
    +	(changed to $receiver and $sender)!
     #                main program                  #
     #               --------------                 #
    @@ -171,8 +215,8 @@

     echo xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx`date`xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx >
     echo ${scanscriptname} called $* >>${tmpdir}/logfile
    -echo FROM: $2 >>/${tmpdir}/logfile
    -echo TO: $7 >>/${tmpdir}/logfile
    +echo FROM: $sender >>/${tmpdir}/logfile
    +echo TO: $receiver >>/${tmpdir}/logfile

     ${metamail} -r -q -x -w ${tmpdir}/receivedmail > /dev/null 2>&1

    @@ -597,11 +641,11 @@

     ################### send a mail back to sender

    -cat <<EOF| ${mail} -s "VIRUS IN YOUR MAIL TO $7" $2
    +cat <<EOF| ${mail} -s "VIRUS IN YOUR MAIL TO $receiver"

                        V I R U S  A L E R T

    -  Our viruschecker found a VIRUS in your email to "$7".
    +  Our viruschecker found a VIRUS in your email to
                We stopped delivery of this email!

         Now it is on you to check your system for viruses
    @@ -614,12 +658,12 @@

     ############### send a mail to the addressee ########################

    -cat <<EOF| ${mail} -s "VIRUS IN A MAIL FOR YOU FROM $2" $7
    +cat <<EOF| ${mail} -s "VIRUS IN A MAIL FOR YOU FROM
    $sender" $receiver

                        V I R U S  A L E R T

       Our viruschecker found a VIRUS in a mail from
    -     "$2"
    +     "$sender"
       to you.

       Delivery of the email was stopped!

    The AMaViS diff is placed at following address as this one may  be
    messed up:

    AMaViS 0.2.0-pre5 has been released, which should fix the  problem
    using (slightly modified) patch...

    The solution  to the  other problem  is simple  -- wrap SWEEP [the
    Sophos  scanner]  in  a  shell  script  which  sets SAV_IDE before
    running the SWEEP binary.