

    RedHat 6.0


    noc-wage once again come up  with another trivial DoS flaw,  (wow,
    seems  to  be  good  at   this  Conseal  Firewall,  +++ath0,   ppp
    byte-stuffing).   Many  of  you  RedHat  6.0  users  who installed
    RedHat 6.0  rather than  upgrading may  have noticed  the new  way
    RedHat  displays  remote  TTY's.   Instead  of  the  old fashioned
    /dev/ttyp<number>, it now uses /dev/pts/<number>.  There is a flaw
    in this new implementation that  local users can exploit to  cause
    minor disruption to anyone  using X-windows on the  local machine.
    This DoS is more of a nuisance than a "real problem" but it  could
    possibly be used to cause some minor havok.

    The way it works is simple.   When whoever is using X opens up  an
    "xterm" (eterm,  rxvt, nxterm...)  a connection  is made  to the X
    server.  If you do a "who" you will see:

        (RedHat 6.0, without upgrading from previous RedHat release)
        wage     pts/0    Jun  6 01:39 (:0.0)

    Or on older versions:

        wage     ttyp0    Jun  6 01:39 (:0.0)

    Now this is  normal, but the  problem lies within  the permissions
    of that device.  On older RedHat's if you did:

        ls -l /dev/ttyp3
        crw-------   1 wage     tty        3,   0 Jun  6 12:41 /dev/ttyp0

    Which is normal and  what it should look  like.  For those  of you
    who may be new to unix those letters at the beginning of the  line
    indicate the permissions on the device.  For our output above, the
    line indicates it  is a device  (c), and that  the OWNER has  read
    and write  permissions (rw)  Group has  no permissions  (---), and
    everyone has no permissions (---).  They basically go

        <type indicator><owner><group><everyone>

    An example line of a device will ALL permissions set follows:

                        /   |   \
                   Owner  Group  Everyone

    This  means  that  everyone  has read/write/execute permissions to
    that device.   So as  you can  see our  ttyp0 can  only be read or
    written to by it's  owner (and root).   In the case of  RedHat 6.0
    with  regular  remote  connections  (like  telnet)  the   standard
    permissions are as follows:

        crw--w----   1 ov3r     tty     136,   0 Jun  6 12:32 /dev/pts/0

    Here it's almost the same  except that group "tty" also  has write
    access.  The problem lies in the way that the permissions are  set
    for local connections with  the X server using  xterm.  if you  do
    an ls -l /dev/pts/<the xterm's tty> (we will use pts/0) You get:

        crw--w--w-   1 ov3r     ov3r     136,   0 Jun  6 12:32 /dev/pts/0

    Notice how now "everyone" has write access to this terminal?
    This leads to the hole that any local user can disrupt any
    xterminal connected to the local machine.  Simply typing

        cat /dev/urandom > /dev/pts/<number>

    will flood  the xterm  with garbage  data making  it impossible to
    use.  Or we can also  bring back the old "flash" attack  and flash
    the  user's  xterm  by  dumping  ASCII  escape  characters  to his
    terminal.   This isn't  a particularily  "deadly" DoS  attack, but
    can be used as a nuisance  OR perhaps even to trick the  user into
    doing  something  he  may  not  want  to do.  (For example dumping
    "Login:" then "Password:" to the terminal may trick the user  into
    adding his login/password to a file or to his .bash_history).

    Same was confirmed on Red Hat 6.0 system (with the 2.2.5-22 kernel
    upgrade from Red  Hat) when using  a "gnome-terminal", as  opposed
    to  "xterm"  or  "nxterm".   All  3  types  of  terminals  use the
    /dev/pts/(number) with this version of  Red Hat 6.0, but it  looks
    like if  you launch  an "xterm"  or "nxterm"  the permissions  for
    those terminal windows are set like this:

        crw--w----     1 stoddard stoddard 136,     0 Jun 7 23:44 0

    This would appear to give only my user login and group  "stoddard"
    (on tested system, that group  only has one user) write  access to
    that terminal  window.   It appears  that the  problem is with the
    "gnome-terminal" program,  part of  the "gnome-core"  RPM from the
    Red Hat  6.0 install  (specifically, on  my system,  that would be
    gnome-core-1.0.4-34.i386.rpm), that is susceptible to the  attacks
    mentioned in  the previosly  (able to  do the  "cat /dev/urandom >
    /dev/pts/(number)" and see the random stream of characters on that

    This  problem  applayes  also  to  Midnight Commander both under X
    and text mode.


    You can disable it from the /etc/fstab by commenting the /dev/pts
    and redhat will use the default /dev/tty.  In /etc/fstab:

        none            /dev/pts        devpts      gid=5,mode=620   0 0

    This  is  not  sufficient  when  using rxvt and apparently several
    other xterm-a-likes.   By default rxvt  overides the gid  with the
    user's  gid  and  changes  the  permissions  to  622,  even if the
    permissions  specified  in  fstab  are  more restrictive than 622.
    The solution with rxvt is to pass --enable-ttygid to the configure

    If compiled with USE_TTY_GROUP defined, xterm checks for the "tty"
    group.  If it exists,  the permissions on the terminal  device are
    set to 0620.   If it does  not exist, or  if USE_TTY_GROUP is  not
    defined, the permissions  are set to  0622.  You  can fix this  by
    either  recompiling  with  USE_TTY_GROUP  defined,  or  by editing
    main.c and changing the permissions there.

    Under kde this problem applyes to rxwt, but not to kvt, xterm  and

    Since Eterm was mentioned, let's go ahead and say this.  If  Eterm
    is has  sufficient permissions  (either by  being installed setuid
    root  or  by  being  executed  by  the  owner of the tty), it will
    change the ownership  and permissions on  the device to  0620.  If
    it   cannot   change   the   permissions   on   the   device,  any
    vulnerabilities resulting therefrom are the responsibility of  the
    system  administrator.   No  current  version  of  Eterm  sets the
    permissions on any device file to 0622 under Linux so skip that.

    New  dev,  rxvt,  and  screen  packages  are  available that fix a
    security  issue  with  the  packages  that originally shipped with
    Red Hat Linux 6.0.  RPMs required:




    While the  post-install script  for the  dev package  will add the
    correct  permissions  for   the  /dev/pts  file   system  in   the
    /etc/fstab file,  you will  have to  manually unmount  and remount
    the /dev/pts  file system  with the  following commands,  once the
    correct permissions have been set in the /etc/fstab file:

        umount /dev/pts
        mount /dev/pts

    If you get  the error message  "umount: /dev/pts: device  is busy"
    when trying  to unmount  the filesystem,  you will  have to  close
    all  connections  using  the  filesystem,  such  as  screen, xterm
    (and  other   such  X   terminal  programs),   and  some    remote