ELM 2.4 PL24
Linux and possible others
The vulnerability described below is variation to a vulnerability
described on these pages under Linux section as 'filter'. Anyway,
take a look.
There is an Elm feature which allows you to overwrite anyone's
files (provided that certain conditions are met). When Elm is
started, it creates /tmp/mbox.Mailbox, which is there only to
tell it that a copy of Elm is running. When you go to "m)ail a
message", two more files are created: /tmp/snd.PID and
/tmp/est.PID, where PID is the PID of that Elm process. snd.PID
is the tempfile where the actual message you're writing is
stored, and est.PID contains some sort of temporary data. The
problem lies in the fact that Elm doesn't check if these already
exist, and the filenames are quite predictable.
If you are so inclined, you could write a program to keep
checking if people are starting Elm, and when someone does, make
appropriate hard links, for example /tmp/est.PID ->
/home/victim/important_file, and when the victim goes to compose
a new message, his important_file will be trash.
Another thing this can be used for is stealing the person's mail.
If you hardlink /tmp/snd.PID to a world writable file owned by
you, the message that the user writes will be written to it and
elm wont have permission to remove it (since its owned by you),
so you end up with the mail that the victim sent. Its possible to
set up a daemon to grab ALL outgoing mail of a user, this way.
Credit goest to fflush.
2.4 PL25 came out in December, 1995. It may be found at:
2.4 PL25 is still the current release. 2.5 is in beta test.