



    Egmont Koblinger found  following.  The  problem applies to  every
    gpm version known, for example 1.18.1 and 1.19.0.  To exploit this
    problem, gpm-root must be running on a machine and the user  needs
    both login to that machine and physical access to the keyboard and

    gpm-root is a beautiful tool shipped in the gpm package.  It  pops
    up  beautiful  menus  based  on  each  user's own config file when
    Ctrl+Mousebutton is pressed on the console.

    When  the  user  selects  one  of  his/her  favourite utility from
    his/her own list, gpm-root starts this process with the group  and
    supplementary  groups  of  the  gpm-root  daemon.   gpm-root calls
    setuid() first  and setgid()  afterwards, hence  the later  one is
    unsuccessful.   The  authors   completely  forgot  about   calling


    Well,  in  1.19.0  version  README,  you  would  notice  following

        =========== MAINTAINANCE
        As of 1.19.0,  gpm is officially  unmaintained. I can't  do it
        any more, and nobody expressed interest in it.

    Here's quick patch:

    diff -u -r -N ../gpm-1.19.0.orig/doc/doc.gpm ./doc/doc.gpm
    --- ../gpm-1.19.0.orig/doc/doc.gpm	Mon Feb  7 23:34:00 2000
    +++ ./doc/doc.gpm	Thu Mar 23 14:37:43 2000
    @@ -1969,6 +1969,12 @@
             be broken by this daemon. Things should be sufficiently secure, but
             if you find a hole please tell me about it.

    +@item -r
    +        Always run commands as root instead of the user who owns the tty.
    +        Implies -u. This is useful for those system administrators who
    +        put menu entries to reboot or halt the system, start or stop
    +        xdm, change keyboard layout etc.
     @item -D
             Do not automatically enter background operation when started,
             and log messages to the standard error stream, not the syslog
    diff -u -r -N ../gpm-1.19.0.orig/gpm-root.y ./gpm-root.y
    --- ../gpm-1.19.0.orig/gpm-root.y	Thu Oct  7 20:15:18 1999
    +++ ./gpm-root.y	Thu Mar 23 14:37:43 2000
    @@ -41,6 +41,7 @@
     #include <sys/syslog.h>
     #include <signal.h>         /* sigaction() */
     #include <pwd.h>            /* pwd entries */
    +#include <grp.h>            /* initgroups() */
     #include <sys/kd.h>         /* KDGETMODE */
     #include <sys/stat.h>       /* fstat() */
     #include <sys/utsname.h>    /* uname() */
    @@ -117,6 +118,7 @@
     int opt_mod     =  4;           /* control */
     int opt_buf     =  0;           /* ask the kernel about it */
     int opt_user    =  1;           /* allow user cfg files */
    +int opt_root    =  0;           /* run everything as root */

    @@ -447,6 +449,7 @@
     void f__fix(struct passwd *pass)
    +  initgroups(pass->pw_name, pass->pw_gid);
       setenv("HOME",    pass->pw_dir, 1);
       setenv("LOGNAME", pass->pw_name,1);
    @@ -539,7 +542,7 @@
               return 1;

 	    case 0:
    -	  setuid(uid);
    +	  if (opt_root) uid=0;
 	      if (!pass) exit(1);
    @@ -926,6 +929,7 @@
       printf("  Valid options are\n"
              "    -m <number-or-name>   modifier to use\n"
              "    -u                    inhibit user configuration files\n"
    +         "    -r                    run commands as root\n"
              "    -D                    don't auto-background and run as daemon\n"
              "    -V <verbosity-delta>  increase amount of logged messages\n"
    @@ -971,12 +975,13 @@
       int opt;

       gpm_log_daemon = 1;
    -  while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv,"m:uDV::")) != -1)
    +  while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv,"m:urDV::")) != -1)
           switch (opt)
             case 'm':  opt_mod=getmask(optarg, tableMod); break;
             case 'u':  opt_user=0; break;
    +        case 'r':  opt_root=1; opt_user=0; break;
             case 'D':  gpm_log_daemon = 0; break;
             case 'V':
               gpm_debug_level += (0 == optarg ? 1 : strtol(optarg, 0, 0));

    gpm-1.19.1 fixed  half of  the security  hole by  calling setuid()
    and  setgid()  at  the  right  place but not calling initgruops().
    gpm-1.19.2 is out there, which calls initgroups() correctly, fully
    fixing this security hole.   Therefore anyone running gpm-root  is
    highly  recommended  to  upgrade   to  gpm-1.19.2  or  apply   its
    setuid(), setgid() and initgruops() releated patches.

    For Turbo Linux: