Corel Linux
James Nickson found following. Upon it's release (April 2000) he
ordered the minimum Corel Linux. It's install is great for
Windows users, and if they get theiur hands on it they can get to
Netscape on the web in 27 minutes.
If they accept the defaults, they also have a blank root password
and telnet server enabled (and if they have DSL, ... It is DDOS
tra la, tra la, time).
It also gets the user to create an account on their machine when
doing the install and doesn't ask for a password. It does put a
open a little dialog box the first (and only the first) time they
log in, but most users never read those boxes they just click
cancel. So there is probally alot of corel installs out there
that don't have any passwords set.
The only thing about corel linux is they use /etc/securetty which
prvents root from logging in except on tty1-tty6.