



    Miquel van  Smoorenburg reported  following problem  even this  is
    feature of Linux (see above), but dangerous one.

    A  problem  exists  in  IP  Masquerade  under  Linux  which allows
    traffic to be passed to  external networks even after the  gateway
    host  has  been  halted.   As  long  as  a  connection  has   been
    established  from  an  internal  machine  via  the  IP  Masquerade
    gateway to  an external  host and  the Ethernet  interfaces inside
    the machine are still  being supplied power, that  connection will
    stay online in a fully interactive state.

    Even  worse,  that  connection  will  stay  online  even if the IP
    Masquerade gateway  machine is  rebooted.   During a  soft reboot,
    the  connection  will  stay  online  in a fully interactive state.
    During  a  cold  reboot,  the  connection  will lose interactivity
    until the IP Masquerade gateway machine comes back online.   After
    that, the connection will regain interactivity.

    During an incoming or outgoing attack, systems administrators  may
    use the "kill switch" tactic to stop the attack and shut down  the
    gateway machine  involved in  the attack.   This creates  a  false
    sense of  security with  that systems  administrator thinking that
    the  attack  has  been  successfully  stopped.   In  reality,  the
    connection  in  question  is  totally  unaffected  by  the  system


    Actually this is a feature. You can reboot a machine and not  lose
    most masqueraded connections. The  Linux halt halts userspace.  If
    you want to down the network interfaces stick it in the rc files.

    The latest halt and reboot of sysvinit (2.70) have a command  line
    switch "-i", which  finds and shuts  down all network  interfaces.
    If you get that  one, and add a  "-i" option to all  calls to halt
    and reboot in your init scripts, you're safe.

    People under attack pull out  cables anyway - you don't  know what
    your  compromised  machine  is  also  doing  or if "halt" is now a
    member of rootkit.