

    NSA Security-enhanced Linux


    Matt Power found following.   Recently the U.S. National  Security
    Agency  released  a  distribution  called  Security-enhanced Linux
    (see   This  includes  a   modified
    version  of  the  kernel  and  some  utilities  that provide a new
    mandatory access control architecture for Linux.

    The most recent version that appears to be available is dated last
    week, slinux-200012181053-release.tgz.  In this distribution,  the
    find_default_type   function    in    libsecure/get_default_type.c
    attempts   to    extract   a    type   field    from   the    file
    /etc/security/default_type  and  copy  it   to  a  result   buffer
    (specifically, to the  argument "char **type").   Memory for  this
    result  buffer  is  allocated  using  malloc,  but the argument to
    malloc is always one character too small.

    For example, the role  argument might typically be  "sysadm_r" and
    the len argument would then be 8.  With the initial  installation,
    the first value of buf would be "sysadm_r:sysadm_t\n".  There  are
    no leading spaces, so i is 0. In the statement

        (*type) = (char*) malloc (sizeof(char) * (strlen(buf)-i-len-1));

    the argument to malloc is 18 - 0 - 8 - 1, which is 9. Then,

        strcpy ((*type), &buf[i]+len+1);

    attempts to copy the 10 characters "sysadm_t\n\0" into the
    9-character buffer.


    This patch should address the issue:

    *** get_default_type.c.old	Thu Nov 30 11:32:58 2000
    --- get_default_type.c	Tue Dec 26 00:19:04 2000
    *** 72,74 ****
              /* malloc space for the type */
    !         (*type) = (char*) malloc (sizeof(char) * (strlen(buf)-i-len-1));
              if ((*type) == NULL)
    --- 72,74 ----
              /* malloc space for the type */
    !         (*type) = (char*) malloc (sizeof(char) * (strlen(buf)-i-len));
              if ((*type) == NULL)

    This patch was sent  to the mailing list  that the NSA set  up for
    comments and contributions related  to their distribution.   RAZOR
    received  a  response   and  expect  that   this  patch  will   be
    incorporated into a  later release.   People who follow  the above
    description  of   the  bug   in  the   slinux-200012181053-release
    distribution may  wish to  incorporate this  patch into  their own
    copy of  the code.   Please note  that RAZOR  bug report  does not
    describe  a  direct  way  to  copy  untrusted user input to memory
    locations beyond the end of a buffer.

    In any case, the NSA has  announced a new release that fixes  this
    buffer-overflow problem. There's a copy of the NSA's  announcement