

    Linux PAM (up to 0.64-2)


    Michal  Zalewski  found  following.    Latest  release  of   Linux
    Pluggable Authentication Modules (pam-0.64-2, as well as  previous
    ones), has huge security flaw in module,  which
    can be  exploited to  gain read/write  permissions to  /etc/shadow
    file.   Vulnerable is  almost any  Linux with  PAM + PAM-compliant
    passwd   utility.     Both   RFC   and   PAM   readme   recommends as default password manipulation routine. Note:
    RedHat 5.x  distribution isn't  vunerable, because  this module is
    obsoleted  with  newer,  universal,  while  bug   in (shipped with dist) is still present.

    In the other words, if you have Linux PAM installed on your system
    'by hand',  as described  in RFC/FAQs,  your system  is vunerable.
    Default RedHat 5.x installation is  less or more secure.   No info
    about other PAM-compliant distributions.  Quick vunerability test:

        $ grep pam_unix_passwd /etc/pam.conf /etc/pam.d/passwd

    Attacker may  read and  write permissions  to /etc/shadow  file or
    gain superuser privledges (locally).

    Default  password  change  routine  in module,
    called from  passwd utility,  creates temporary  file /etc/nshadow
    using fopen().  Unfortunately, process umask isn't changed.  After
    approx. 3  syscalls, chmod  is called  to set  proper mode on this
    file (0600).   But, for  these 3  syscalls, file  permissions  are
    equal  to  0666  ~  umask.  If  umask of current process (which is
    inherited from  parent process,  of course)  is set  to 0, we have
    /etc/nshadow file with  permissions 0666.   Then, after all,  it's
    moved  using  rename()  to  /etc/shadow.  Cute.  strace output for
    critical part of code:

        2957  open("/etc/nshadow", O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, 0666) = 8
        2957  chown("/etc/nshadow", 0, 0)       = 0
        2957  chmod("/etc/nshadow", 0600)       = 0
        2957  rename("/etc/nshadow", "/etc/shadow") = 0

    Impact?  Let's see:

        [lcamtuf@nimue /]$ umask 0
        [lcamtuf@nimue /]$ echo $$
        [lcamtuf@nimue /]$ exec passwd
        Changing password for lcamtuf
        (current) UNIX password:
        New UNIX password:
        [root@nimue /root]# gdb passwd 3023
        Attaching to program `/usr/bin/passwd', process 3023
        0x400c37b4 in __read ()
        (gdb) break chown
        Breakpoint 1 at 0x400c4480
        (gdb) c
        Retype new UNIX password:
        Breakpoint 1, 0x400c4480 in chown ()
        [root@nimue /root]# ls -la /etc/nshadow
        -rw-rw-rw-   1 root     root            0 Dec  4 11:56 /etc/nshadow

    Typical race.  Considerated exploitable.


    Lame fix is to:

        chmod -s /usr/bin/passwd

    Better fix  is to  add umask(077)  somewhere.   Given that Solaris
    doesn't  have  pam_unix_passwd   (all  of  the   unix  schema   is
    implemented  in  a  single  module)  Solaris   isn't
    vulnerable to this particular module exploit.