

    Linux (others?)


    Jesse Brown discovered what appears to be a rather serious bug  in
    the Pine Mail Client, that allows a user of Pine to overwrite  ANY
    file, with ANY permissions  or ownerships in their  home directory
    (including sub-directorys).

    This bug can be used to overwrite a protected login script, or  to
    overwrite a resource file (like  .pinerc). This can be of  serious
    concern to those that use Pine  as a shell for users, as  this can
    allow them to modify  or create files that  could be used to  gain
    shell access. (Such as .rhosts, .forward, etc.)

    All that is required to exploit this apparent bug is to open up  a
    message attachment using the Pine attachment viewer, and save  the
    attachment.   If you  want to  overwrite ANY  file anywhere in the
    users  home  directory,  just  enter  the  file  name  and  select
    overwrite.  This does not work outside of the users home directory

    The interesting thing about this  is that it appears to  completly
    bypass any filesystem  level security (permissions,  owner, etc.).
    Also,  when  pine  overwrites  the  file  it  sets the mode to 622
    (-rw-r--r--)  and  the  owner  to  the  current  user  (the   pine
    executable IS NOT setuid root).  This has been tested with Pine
    version 3.95 & 3.96 on Linux systems.


    Nothing yet.