

    Systems running sperl5.0003 and maybe others

PROBLEM found buffer overflow in sperl5.003.   This
    will allow local users  gain root access, if  SUID root.  He  made

    There  is  a  buffer  overflow  in  sperl5.003 that will let local
    users get root access. Really  cool thing about this exploit  that
    it uses  a generic  buffer overflow  code, where  you just tell it
    the offset for  the stack frame  and if your  right, you get  root
    (Assuming that  there is  a flaw  in the  program being attacked).
    With the script  provided, the exploit  hacks out the  stack frame
    offset. If  it fails,  it adds  one to  the stack  frame and tries
    again (Which is  really cool!) Below  are links to  two tgz files.
    One  is  a  precompile  binary  file  and the other is the source.
    Jason decided  to keep  them seperate  because the  source can  be
    used  to  find  many  buffer  overflows  in  many programs and the
    precompiled ones  is only  for sperl5.003  and sperl5.001.  If you
    think  there  is  a  buffer  overflow  bug  in a program, grab the
    sperl_spource.tgz and do the changes  to make it use that  program
    and see if it  works. With the source  for this exploit you  could
    test alot of programs in a short amount of time without having  to
    bother with the joy of  writing an exploit for every  program that
    you think needs testing.  Credit goes to

    The Exploit:

    for preompiled sperlexp.tgz and

    for sperlexp_source.tgz.

    David Luyer noted that the exploit tries offsets of 1170 to  1240.
    Debian Linux with  sperl5.00307 requires a  value of 1169  (and is

    Blow away suid  bit (chmod 500  sperl5.003).  Anyway,  a patch for
    5.003_97f  has  appeared  on  the  Perl5-Porters list.  The entire
    codebase is  being examined  line by  line to  find any other such
    conditions.  Perl 5.003_97g was  released as well.  It  should fix
    that bug.  Any other  overflow problems will be caught  and killed
    before the 5.004 release.