

    Linux RPM ssh-1.2.27-8i.src.rpm


    Following is based on Sword & Shield Enterprise Security Advisory.
    A  vulnerable  secure  shell  distribution  is  available from the
    popular Zedz Consultants FTP site (formally known as
    The RedHat  Linux RPM  ssh-1.2.27-8i.src.rpm contains  a PAM patch
    which contains  faulty logic  allowing users  to essentially  pass
    through the username/password  authentication step and  gain shell
    access.   It  should  be   stressed  that  the  ssh   distribution
    1.2.27-7us.rpm and  1.2.27-7i.rpm available  from the  web site do
    not  contain  this  vulnerability.  The  vulnerable   distribution
    (1.2.27-8i.src.rpm)  is  located  in  the  "incoming" directory at         cryptoI/incoming         (formerly
    pub/crypto/incoming). It  is also  possible that  the distribution
    could  have  been  obtained  from  the  pub/crypto/redhat/unsorted

    Due  to  the  obscure  location  of  the  vulnerable  distribution
    it  is  not  known  at  this  time  how  wide spread the impact of
    this  vulnerability  is.   The  vulnerable  distribution  has been
    removed from the site and should no longer be accessible.

    The vulnerable  ssh distribution  is patched  with defective logic
    related to PAM authentication.  The offending code from the  patch
    file ssh-1.2.27-pam.patch is:

        +#ifdef HAVE_PAM
        +  {
        +     retval = origretval;
        +     pampasswd = xstrdup(password);
        +     if (retval == PAM_SUCCESS)
        +        retval = pam_authenticate ((pam_handle_t *)pamh, 0);
        +     if (retval == PAM_SUCCESS || retval == PAM_AUTH_ERR)
        +        retval = pam_acct_mgmt ((pam_handle_t *)pamh, 0);
        +     xfree(pampasswd);
        +  }
        +#else /* HAVE_PAM */

    Note  the   last  'if'   statement  -   in  essence   whether  the
    pam_authenticate() call is successful or not, the  pam_acct_mgmt()
    call is  made overwriting  the contents  of retval.   Assuming the
    pam_acct_mgmt() call is successful, and  it tends to be, then  the
    remaining  patch  code  dealing  with  PAM  authentication opens a
    session with:

        +#ifdef                                               HAVE_PAM
        +                                                            {
        +                 if        (retval      ==       PAM_SUCCESS)
        +       retval  = pam_open_session ((pam_handle_t  *)pamh, 0);
        +               return      (retval      ==      PAM_SUCCESS);
        +                                                            }
        +#endif /* HAVE_PAM */

    By running the patch command

        patch -p0 -b < ssh-1.2.27-pam.patch

    we get

        patching file `ssh-1.2.27/acconfig.h'
        patching file `ssh-1.2.27/auth-passwd.c'
        patching file `ssh-1.2.27/'
        patching file `ssh-1.2.27/'
        patching file `ssh-1.2.27/sshd.c'

    The  faulty  PAM  authentication  logic  is then inserted into the
    auth_password()  function  in  the  auth-passwd.c  file  at  lines
    745-755 and 879-885.

    The impact of this bug can be quite severe.  On systems where  the
    /etc/ssh/sshd_config  file   contains  'PermitRootLogin=yes'   the
    effect is that any remote or local user can obtain root access  by
    specifying  a  root  login  and  entering  a  non-null   password.
    Example, if a system  (pigpen) configured with the  vulnerable ssh
    server package has a valid user account (joe) then the command:

        % ssh -l joe pigpen
        joe@pigpen's password: 123 <--- sshd prompts for password, enter '123'.
        ...                        <--- faulty authentication check performed
        [joe@pigpen]$              <--- user shell accessed

    Checking the syslogs also reveals signs of the problem:

        1- May  8 13:12:50 pigpen sshd[13422]: connect from
        2- May  8 13:12:50 pigpen sshd[13422]: log: Connection from port 1209
        3- May  8 13:12:52 pigpen PAM_pwdb[13422]: authentication failure; (uid=0) -> joe for ssh service
        4- May  8 13:12:53 pigpen PAM_pwdb[13422]: (ssh) session opened for user joe by (uid=0)
        5- May  8 13:12:53 pigpen sshd[13422]: log: Password authentication for joe accepted.

    Note the  authentication failure  recorded by  PAM on  line 3, but
    lines 4-5 show the session being opened.  It is important to  note
    a few things here:

        1) Even  if an  account is  password locked,  if it contains a
           valid shell the account can be accessed.
        2) Site specific user accounts are not necessary for searching
           out    vulnerable    systems     when    standard     Linux
           distribution/package  accounts  like  'gdm', 'postgres', or
           'mysql' will do.

    This vulnerable SSH RPM has been available since March 1, 2000.

    The  bug  discovery,  test,  demonstration,  vendor  coordination,
    and advisory  generation are  the results  of SSES,  Inc. security
    engineers John McNeely and Dennis Edmonds.


    If  your  ssh  installation  is  vulnerable, you should remove the
    vulnerable  version  and  install  version  1.2.27-7us.    Another
    alternative to  consider is  switching over  to openssh  available