updatedb / crontabs


    Redhat 4.1, SuSE Linux 5.0, Slackware 3.3, SunOS 5.5.1, FreeBSD 2.2.2


    Following info is based on KSR[T] Advisory #3.  There are numerous
    problems in the default root crontabs for several flavors of UNIX.
    KRS[T]  advisory   contained  a   brief  description   of  several
    vulnerabilities that they have discovered.

    REDHAT  LINUX  4.1:   updatedb  contains  several  security holes.
    Updatedb will send the results  of a find command string  to sort.
    Sort  will  use  /tmp  to  store  temp  files,  and it will follow
    symbolic links.  A creative  attacker can create files in  a world
    writable directory that allows them  to control what data will  be
    written to the symbolic link.

    SuSE LINUX 5.0:   makewhatis uses /tmp,  this allows attackers  to
    overwrite  files  as  root.   They  cannot  control the data being
    written.  The system crontab also calls updatedb. check_log_file()
    contains a SERIOUS  security hole that  will allow an  intruder to
    write over  any file  on the  system, with  whatever he/she wants.
    There  are  numerous  other  /tmp  file  problems with the default
    crontab, it is highly recommended that you upgrade immediately.

    SLACKWARE 3.3  also comes  with a  vulnerable version  of updatedb

    updatedb can allow any local user to execute commands as any user,
    including root.  SuSE's default  crontab can allow local users  to
    execute commands  as root.   makewhatis can  allow local  users to
    overwrite/create any file on the system.

    Here'some additional  info.   When it  sorts the  files that  find
    gets, it creats a few files in /tmp called sort0<pid>000{1,2,etc}.
    Each is around 512k.  The  first file is created and filled,  then
    if necassary, another is created and so on until it has your whole
    filesystem into a nice database.   Once the first file is  created
    you can easily guess what the next filename will be called as only
    the last character will change.  If you create a link to say,  the
    shadow password file, updatedb  will kindly overwrite it  for you.
    Example (assuming updatedb is running in the background):

        $ ls /tmp
        sort012340000 sort012340001

        $ ln -s /etc/shadow /tmp/sort012340002
        <wait for awhile to give updatedb time to write to our link>

        $ ls /tmp
        sort012340000 sort012340001 sort012340002 sort012340003

    It's done, it will now clear out it's files from /tmp. Now go look
    at the shadow password file. It  will be quite larger then it  was
    before. About 512k is it's new  size.  With this you can  write to
    /etc/shells so  you can  ftp into  the system  no matter what your
    specified shell is (credit to cain).

    On SunOS 5.5.1 filenames are of the form  /var/tmp/stmAAAa003M_aa,
    and  the  files  are  typically  smaller.   The M_ part, at least,
    appears to change from run to run, but it doesn't change within  a
    run.   Solaris 5.5.1  sort doesn't  check for  symlinks before  it
    opens the file so it is possible to overwrite a file.


    It should be pointed out that on Red Hat 4.2 and 5.0 updatedb runs
    as user nobody by default.. one  work around is to set the  TMPDIR
    environment variable  to a  directory that  only root  can access.
    Sort will then write its temporary files to that directory instead
    of /tmp.

    Fixes for S.u.S.E. Linux 5.0:

    Fixes for  S.u.S.E. Linux  4.4.1 (should  work for  older versions