wu-ftpd(8) 2.4


    Slakware  2.0,  2.1,  2.2,  2.3.  Yggdrasil  Plug & Play, Fall 94.
    Debian Distribution.  Red Hat Halloween Release, and Mother's  Day
    Release are not vulnerable.  Any other misconfigured system.


    A problem  exists with  certain configurations  of the  Washington
    University ftpd which  may allow root  access from any  account on
    the  system.  The  system  may  also   be compromised by anonymous
    users  if certain criteria is meet.

    In  its  original  form,  the  vulnerability  was  not  enabled by
    default.   However,  certain  distributions  of  Linux  contain  a
    wu.ftpd that  has been  compiled with  a vulnerable configuration.
    This vulnerable configuration is distributed and run by default.

    Non-Linux  systems  running  wu-ftpd  should  also  be  checked to
    determine if  the configuration  is vulnerable.   The pre-compiled
    binaries shipped for Linux Slackware distributions are vulnerable.
    The  variable  _PATH_EXECPATH  has  been  set  to  "/bin"  in  the
    configuration file  src/pathnames.h when  the distribution  binary
    was built.  _PATH_EXECPATH should  be set to "/bin/ftp-exec" or  a
    similar  directory  that  does  not  contain  a  shell  or command
    interpreter.    The   source   code   shipped   with   the   Linux
    distributions contains the correct value ("/bin/ftp-exec")  (which
    should  be  verified  before  recompiling),  despite the incorrect
    distribution binary.  The documentation states that the  directory
    defined  by  _PATH_EXECPATH   is  relative  to   ~ftp.   This   is
    misleading.  The pathname is relative to ~ftp for anonymous  users
    only.  It is relative to "/" for normal user sessions.

    To test your configuration to  see if you are vulnerable,  you can
    execute the following commands:

    srchost> ftp ftphost
    Connected to ftphost
    220 ftphost FTP server (Version wu-2.4(2) Mon Apr 18 09:12:35 GMT+1000 1994) ready.
    Name (srchost:user):
    331 Password required for user.
    230 User user logged in.
    ftp> quote site exec echo problem
    200-echo problem
    200  (end of 'echo problem')
    ftp> quit
    221 Goodbye.

    If you receive the line "200-problem", then your site is vulnerable.
    Note that this does not work for anonymous ftp access, or for  all
    vulnerable configurations.

    Anonymous users  may also  gain root  access but  certain criteria
    must be meet.  This include: 1) The site must have GNU tar in  the
    SITE  EXECable  directory.  2)  There  must  be  a  world writable
    directory for the attaker to upload  a file. 3) The site must  not
    disable chmod.   The core  of the  problem is  that the  site exec
    command does not  reset the real  uid before executing  a command.
    Thus, all commands are executed with real uid/gid of 0.

    The way  to exploit  this problem  is to  compile a  small program
    that  does  a  seteuid(0),  calls chmod(0755, "/bin/ftp-exec") and
    copies its standard input to stdout. You upload this to  /incoming
    along with a tar archive of your favorite tools (including e.g.  a
    statically linked xterm and bash), chmod the program to 0755  with
    `site  chmod',  go  to  /bin/ftp-exec  and  invoke  tar  with  the
    following options:

    site exec tar --use-compress-program /incoming/hackme -xf /incoming/tools.tar

    This  unpacks  all  your  tools  into /bin/ftp-exec. From then on,
    all you have  to do is  execute xterm to  get shell access  to the
    FTP area and break out  of the chroot jail (possibly  using rlogin
    to another host on the  target machine's LAN, or by  accessing the
    hard disk directly).

    diku-ftp does not have this problem.


    Debian/GNU Linux:

        Users of  Debian Linux  Distribution can  obtain fixed  binary
        from the primary Debian distribution site.

    wu-ftpd 2.4 source code:

        The correctly configured wu-ftpd  2.4 server for Linux  can be
        obtained at the following URLs:

        In addition  to the  source code  of patched  wu-ftpd 2.4  you
        can get the  patch that would  create a "fixed"  tree from the
        original wu-ftpd  2.4 and  the wu-ftpd  2.4 itself.  All files
        have their  MD5 checksums  in the  file CHECKSUMS  in the same