



    Richard M. Smith found following.  He recently started using a new
    HP  Pavilion  computer  that  is  running  Windows 98.  As part of
    ongoing research into Internet security issues, he discovered that
    this  computer  was  shipped  with  2  ActiveX controls, which are
    extremely dangerous.   These controls can  be easily misused  on a
    Web page to gain  access to the computer  and run programs.   More
    worrisome however  script code  can be  embedded in  an HTML Email
    messages and  the controls  accessed in  Outlook, Outlook Express,
    and Eudora.   The controls  are marked  "safe" for  scripting even
    though they can do things like launch programs and read and  write
    the Windows registry.  Using these controls, some of the malicious
    things that can be done include:

        - Automatically  install a  computer virus  or other malicious
          software on a system.
        - Turn  off  all  Windows  security checking, making a  system
          wide-open for future attacks.
        - Read  personal files  for the  local hard  disk and silently
          upload them to a remote Web site.
        - Delete document files from the local hard drive.
        - Remove Windows system files  so that a system can  no longer
          be booted.

    With less than 30  minutes of effort, he  was able to construct  a
    test Email message that  downloads a Windows executable  file from
    a remote FTP site  and installs it on  the local hard drive  using
    one  of  these  ActiveX  controls.   After  the file is successful
    installed, it then is executed.  For the test message, he download
    and run the  Windows calculator.   However, the Email  message can
    download  any  Windows  program  such  as the ExplorerZip virus or
    Back Orifice 2000 install program.   In Outlook Express, this  all
    happens automatically when the Email  message is read.  There  are
    no attachments  that have  to be  clicked on  and no warnings with
    default security settings.

    Test Email message contains only about 10 lines of JavaScript code
    to direct one of  the HP ActiveX controls  to do the download  and
    run the program.  Anyone with experience in JavaScript programming
    could  easily  duplicate  the  code  that  I  wrote.   For obvious
    reasons, Richard will not be publically releasing this test  Email

    Microsoft's  Authenticode  security  system  built  into  Internet
    Explorer  is  of  no  use  here  because  the ActiveX controls are
    pre-installed  on  the  computer  and  not  downloaded  from   the
    Internet.  Authenticode only  allows users to prevent  downloading
    of questionable  ActiveX controls,  not their  execution once they
    are installed on  a system.   The ActiveX controls  are shipped on
    the  HP  system  for  use  in  system  diagnostic  package  called
    SystemWizard.    This  package   is  a   product  of    SystemSoft
    (   The  intention  is  these  controls
    would only be  used in SystemWizard  and no where  else.  However,
    because the controls are marked  safe for scripting, any Web  page
    or Email  message can  use the  controls in  any manner they like.
    The controls  either never  should have  marked safe  in the first
    place or  the controls  need to  do their  own security  checking.
    Unfortunately neither precaution was taken.

    The two SystemSoft controls are just thin wrappers around a number
    of  Win32  system  calls.   The  Launch  ActiveX  control allows a
    JavaScript program  to run  a DOS  or Windows  program and pass in
    command  line  parameters.   The  RegObj  ActiveX control allows a
    JavaScript program  to read,  set, and  scan registry  keys.   The
    controls are accessed  on a Web  page simply by  including an HTML
    <OBJECT> tag  with appropriate  parameters.   Pretty obviously, it
    is not  a good  idea to  allow JavaScript  programs to make direct
    Win32 system calls with such ease!   To give an idea how easy  the
    Launch control is  to misuse, the  following JavaScript call  will
    remove the contents of  someone's entire "My documents"  directory
    using the old DOS deltree command:

        Launch('c:\\', '/c deltree /y "c:\\My documents\\*.*"');

    In addition to the  two SystemSoft ActiveX controls,  Richard also
    found an another  ActiveX control pre-installed  on the HP  system
    with a privacy leak  in it.  The  control can give out  Windows 98
    registration information such as  name, address, and phone  number
    to a Web site.  This control was supplied by Encompass Corporation
    (now part of Yahoo)  and is used in  an ISP sign-up program.   The
    control is  marked safe  for scripting  on a  new computer, but is
    marked  unsafe  for  scripting  the  first time dial-up networking
    (DUN) is  used on  the system.   This issue  is specific  to  this
    machine/build of the software.  Unfortunately on tested HP system,
    Richard uses a LAN connection to access the Internet and therefore
    the Encompass control stays marked safe for scripting forever  and
    could give out registration information (limited to name, address,
    phone number)  to a  malicious person.   Since he  didn't use  the
    dial-up  portion  of  the  ISP  sign  up,  he  just  removed   the
    registration application by going to the add/remove program  files
    and choosing the "Easy Internet Access" application.  The  control
    also remains safe for scripting if one uses AOL as an ISP  because
    AOL does not use DUN support  in Windows 98.  Since Encompass  has
    distributed versions of the  software on a different  machines, he
    had put together  a demo page  that will test  a system to  see if
    the  system  has  a  version  of  the  control  that could release
    registration information to a malicious person.  The test page can
    be found at:

    Richard  also  upgraded  from  version  4  of Internet Explorer to
    version 5 on the HP system.  Unfortunately this upgrade  installed
    yet another dangerous ActiveX control on the system.  This control
    is the DHTML editing control, which can be easily misused to  read
    files from the local hard drive and upload them to a Web server.

    How did so many of  these insecure ActiveX controls get  installed
    on my computer in the first place?  Because Internet Explorer (IE4
    or  IE5)  comes  bundled  with  Windows  98,  it  is  becoming  an
    increasing   popular   for   computer   manufacturers   to   build
    specialized utilities  for their  PCs using  IE4 just  like HP has
    done.  These utilities include registration software, ISP  sign-up
    programs,  and  shells  for  running  common  applications.   With
    Internet Explorer  4 it  is very  easy to  develop user-interfaces
    for these types of utilities  using standard HTML pages.   ActiveX
    controls are then typically used in these applications to  provide
    low-level  access  to  the  Windows  operating system to do things
    like  run  applications,  access  the  registry, or read and write
    files.   These controls  are only  suppose to  be used  inside the
    applications they are designed for.  However, IE4 has no  built-in
    mechanism for restricting use  of a particular ActiveX  control to
    be  used  with  particular  Web  pages.   Therefore  it  is  up to
    application developer  to provide  a security  mechanism in  their
    ActiveX controls.

    After looking at  the problems of  the HP system,  Richsrd decided
    to check  out other  new Windows  98 systems  from other  computer
    manufacturers  for  similar  unsafe  ActiveX  controls.  The first
    thing he discovered that is very common for manufacturers to  ship
    utilities built as  Web pages on  their computers.   Most of these
    applications  included  ActiveX  controls  for  doing  things like
    running programs  and accessing  the registry.   The controls  had
    names  like  "SpawnApp",   "SafeLanuch",  "RegRead",  and   "Run".
    However, because he  didn't have direct  access to these  systems,
    he had no method to test  to see if these controls can  be misused
    or not.   Because their  is no  built-in security  system in place
    for pre-installed  ActiveX controls  it is  up to  the person  who
    writes the control to make sure they are safe.

    A  typical   Windows  98   system  today   ships  with   about  50
    pre-installed ActiveX controls that are marked safe for scripting.
    Because ActiveX controls are  Win32 programs it's not  possible to
    really know if a control is  really safe or not.  The  developer's
    claims  about  safety  cannot  necessarily  be  trusted.   Without
    systematic and  detailed testing  it is  not possible  to know  if
    given control is really safe.

    Here is information about  another Microsoft ActiveX control  that
    is still being distributed with the Windows 98 Resource Kit today:

    This Resource Kit  ActiveX control allows  Windows programs to  be
    executed from a Web  page or HTML Email  message.  What can  users
    do  about  all  of  these  different  ActiveX security holes?  One
    approach is  download patches  to fix  security holes  as they are
    found.  Unfortunately for most  user's it is not possible  to know
    what ActiveX controls  are even installed  on their system,  never
    mind knowing which ones are  really safe.  It might  require going
    to 4 or 5 different Web sites just sees what security patches  are
    available.  A pretty impossible task for almost anyone.


    Both of the SystemWizard  ActiveX controls were created  last year
    and they have been  shipped on most HP  desktop systems in the  US
    retail channel  for at  least the  last 6  months.   The number of
    computers, which are  vulnerable, is therefore  quite substantial.
    The  same  controls  may  also  being  shipped  on other brands of
    computers.   After  being  alerted  to  the  problems of these two
    controls, SystemSoft is providing a patch file to fix the security
    holes.  This patch file can  be downloaded from their Web site  at
    this URL:

    Bug regarding IE5 ActiveX control was discovered in March 1999 and
    has been fixed  by Microsoft but  the majority of  IE5 users still
    are vulnerable because not many people know about the problem.   A
    security bulletin and patch for this ActiveX control can be  found
    on the Microsoft Web site:

    Richard created a Web page on my personal Web site that will check
    to  see  what  potentially  unsafe  ActiveX controls are installed
    on a system.  The URL for the test page is: