AT Jobs




    Shawn Wright found following.  Drive Mappings in Interactive Login
    affect  Processes  running  in  context  of Schedule User.  Points
    indicating this is  a bug/security exploit  and not by  design (as
    somehave indicated to Shawn).

    1. Drive mappings  are individual to  each user, as  seen by their
       location in the registry under HKCU\Network.  This point  alone
       indicates a bug.  Why  should the *personal* drive mappings  of
       an interactive  login session  have *any*  affect on  a service
       running in  a different  user context,  in a  supposedly secure
       environment?  They shouldn't, plain and simple.

    2. KB Article Q130668 is the  only article I could find which  has
       any relationship to this issue, but it deals with a "bug"  when
       the drives are mapped to Netware Volumes using GSNW.   However,
       reading  between  the  lines,  one  can  see  that the behavior
       described  (which  is  identical  in  both Netware and NT drive
       mappings) is  not by  design, otherwise,  why would  they state
       this:  Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in  Windows
       NT Workstation and Server  versions 3.5, 3.51, and  4.0... They
       do offer up  a solution to  one half of  the problem -  that is
       when the scheduled  process leaves a  mapped drive, which  then
       affects any interactive processes by preventing the use of this
       drive (unless appropriate permissions exist for the interactive
       user).  But  they make no  mention of the  other half -  that a
       non-privileged user can affect the environment of the scheduled
       process, which is often in a priviliged account context.

    Take  the  following  scenario.   A  "secure"  NT  workstation  is
    configured  with  scheduler  running  in  a  user context that has
    specific  elevated   rights  in   order  to   perform   unattended
    administrative functions  based on  scripts that  are stored  on a
    server.  But one of the tasks performed in these scripts  requires
    a mapped drive letter; UNC paths  won't work.  So to be  sure, the
    scripts begins  by mapping  a drive  letter to  the shared network
    resource  containing  the  patches  and  updates placed there when
    required.  Often  these patches are  security fixes and  the like,
    and the scheduler dutifully applies  them to some large number  of
    machines as directed in the script.

    Here comes the exploit.   If an interactive login is  present, and
    the same drive letter is already mapped by a user, the net use  in
    the scheduled  script will  fail, as  will the  required hotfix or
    update.  Not a  pretty picture in a  large LAN whose security  and
    stability may rely on timely installation of these updates.   This
    is the simplest "exploit".

    Next we extend this a bit further: the user maps a drive letter in
    an interactive  login, and  places in  it a  script with  the same
    filename as that  called by the  scheduled update, and  makes sure
    the  schedule  user  has  permissions  to  this  file  and network
    resource.   All of  this could  be performed  by a  non-privileged
    user.  The  schedule service will  now execute this  script in the
    elevated  user  context,  and  the  script  could be instructed to
    install  a  trojan,  add  the  user  to  the local Admin group, or
    whatever.  The bottom line is that this design flaw can be  easily
    exploited to  allow any  user with  interactive login  rights to a
    workstation to elevate himself to the rights of the schedule user,
    which is often Administrator of the workstation.

    This was  tested on  NT4 SP5  and 6a.  (Note this  is without  IE5
    installed, just the built in AT scheduler).  Also this was  tested
    with all combinations  of Local and  Domain accounts for  both the
    scheduler  and  the  interactive  user.   It  was  tested with and
    without persistent  drive mappings  present for  either user  - in
    each case, whoever gets the login first gets the drive letter.

    It was  failed to  mention above  that this  with shares  does not
    work in this case.   This effect was implied by  closing statement
    "whoever gets the login first gets the drive letter", but here  is
    how this behaviour manifests itself.

    Example 1:
    Interactive user has  drive X: and  H: mapped.   Here is what  the
    schedule user sees when attempting to view network connections:


        C:\WINNT\system32>net use
        New connections will be remembered.

        There are no entries in the list.

    Then delete the X: drive:

        C:\WINNT\system32>net use x: /d
        The network connection could not be found.

        More help is available by typing NET HELPMSG 2250.

    Then map the X: drive:

        C:\WINNT\system32>net use x: \\lonsdale\repairs$
        System error 85 has occurred.

        The local device name is already in use.

    Then change to the X: drive which "does not exist", but for  which
    the schedule user has permissions:

        X:\>dir /w
         Volume in drive X is SLS
         Volume Serial Number is 36AE-092C
         Directory of X:\
        [.]                 [..]                [nt4]               [RedHat5.2]
        [95images]          [Setup]             [Drivers]           [winfax]
        [RedHat6.0]         [OldLogs]           NetCPS.exe          [mc-4.x]        SP6a-128.EXE        dk5srupdate_i.exe
        Apps-Feb27.cl3      pcplus52.exe
                      46 File(s)    163,128,793 bytes
                                  2,021,892,096 bytes free

    Then change to the H: drive which "does not exist", but for  which
    the schedule user does NOT have permissions:


        Access is denied.

    Launching File Manager  from the Schedule  User context shows  the
    drives  X:  and  H:  as  network  connections,  but they cannot be
    deleted, as no connections exist.

    Example 2:
    Map a drive using the schedule user command window.   Immediately,
    this  drive  appears  in  my  explorer  window,  running  as   the
    interactive user.  If permissions exist for the interactive  user,
    you can  view the  drive, but  it cannot  be deleted,  nor does it
    appear in  the list  of connections.   We could  repeat the  above
    sequence of steps,  but the results  are the same:  a drive mapped
    in  one  user  context  will  appear  in another user context as a
    "permanent" mapping, and may  be accessible, dependent on  network


    Which brings  us to  the next  question: Obviously  this behaviour
    does  not  exist  in  NT  TSE,  or  it would surely wreak havoc on
    things.   And  MS  recently  re-released  the  RDISK vulnerability
    patch,  originally  strictly  for  TSE,  and  made  it  for all NT
    releases, after  conceding that  the vulnerability  could exist in
    all NT versions.  Is  it possible that a patch  originally written
    for  TSE  could  be  applied  to  plain vanilla NT to resolve this
    rather unsettling behaviour of the OS?