



    Mnemonix found following.   There's been a  lot of press  recently
    about Windows  2000 backdoors  such as  the NSA  key Crypto issue.
    Mnemonix was mulling over another "backdoor".

    We had Windows 95, then were blessed with 98 and soon Windows 2000
    Professional will be out and, according to some, is set to be  the
    replacement for 98 and installed  on a few million PCs  around the
    world.   In  preparation  for  this,  Microsoft  has made security
    "invisible"  to  the  future  home  user:  during  the install the
    installer is prompted  for a Administrator  password - which  they
    set.   The  installer  is  also  asked  to  supply the name of the
    person the  product is  to be  registered to  - for example "David
    Litchfield".   If  the  machine  is  not  going  to be joined to a
    domain, and they  never are in  the case of  a home user,  Windows
    2000 then silently takes  this name and creates  an ADMINISTRATIVE
    user out of it and does NOT  set a password for this account.   It
    then sets  values in  the Winlogon  registry key  to Autologon the
    user   without   having   to   go   through   the   rigmarole   of
    Control+Alt+Deleting.  Thus security is made invisible.

    Now here comes the crunch - there's a Telnet Server installed on
    the system, though by default the service is not started. For  the
    one  person  that  doesn't  know  what  a telnet server is on this
    mailing list, a  telnet server is  where a remote  user can access
    the computer the telnet server is running on as if the are sat  at
    that machine, typing commands at a Command Prompt.  Big deal, some
    may say, - the service isn't started.

    Guess  what  -  the  service   can  be  started  remotely  by   an
    administrator using DCOM.  All  we need then is an  Administrative
    UserID and password and we  can start the telnet service  and then
    log into  and then  run commands  on it  as if  we were sat at the
    machine!  That  leaves the question  of where do  we get an  admin
    userid and password  from?  Hey  - maybe we  could use the  "David
    Litchfield" account.  All we need to do to find out who is  logged
    onto a particular machine is issue the following command from  our

        C:\>nbtstat -A IP_Address

    (since when does  a PC home  user on the  'Net deny NetBIOS  based
    traffic to access their machine?) and  we can get the name of  the
    user currently logged on - for  the home user it'll be the  "David
    Litchfield" account.  Great - Windows 2000 rooted in 3 seconds.

    If this were  a back door  though, no-one at  the Microsoft, could
    be bothered  trying IP  addresses at  random.   What they  need is
    another way to get the telnet service started.  One way to do this
    is embed some VBScript in an HTML document (or e-mail):

        id =tlnt

    If an HTML document  is opened with this  script in it the  telnet
    server will  be silently  launched -  no warnings  about dangerous
    ActiveX or anything.  The user that just opened the document  will
    have no idea  that the telnet  server has just  been started.   So
    this begs the question how do we get a million users to open up  a
    document  that  had  such  code  in  it?  Well, not that Microsoft
    would do it, but  it would be _really_  easy to do if  they wanted
    to by using the Windows  Update service that keeps on  telling you
    to update, so in the end you do just to shut the thing up and  you
    whisked away to the Microsoft  web site where there happens  to be
    a load of HTML documents.  Hmmm.

    So, hypothetically, if Microsoft  wanted to they could  embed this
    code in their  Windows Update page  and start the  telnet server -
    and guess  what they've  just grabbed  your IP  address, too.  All
    we're missing is  the User ID  now - but  hey they could  get that
    using nbtstat  if they  really wanted  to.   Even if  this isn't a
    deliberate backdoor it is one, and shows "great" forward  thinking
    by the 2000 project team.  If  MS don't use this door you can  bet
    the script-kiddiez will be all over this one.


    The Administrator  account is  no longer  started by  default, and
    there is an open  bug on the telnet  issue.  The product  will not
    ship without the telnet hole being plugged.