

    Andrew Fernandes  found following.   MS-CAPI trusts  multiple keys
    for  code  signing.   However,  in  the  regular distribution, all
    modules are signed by only one key.  It is possible to replace  at
    least one of the other 'trusted' signing keys (apparently provided
    by the NSA)  with any arbitrary  key.  An  attacker could write  a
    compromised  module  (for  example,  a  very  weak  random  number
    generator), and install it on a target machine by a virus or other
    method.   Replacing  the  _NSAKEY  with  his  own  would cause the
    weakened module to be trusted.

    Andrew's speculation about  the _NSAKEY being  a backdoor for  the
    NSA is based on:

        a) The variable is called "NSA"
        b) Its a second key, not known to exist in Windows previously
        c) What possible purpose would a second key serve?
        d) Its presence, arguably, weakens CryptoAPI - Andrew explains
           this on his website at


    There's a bunch of somewhat understandable furor going on over the
    idea that the NSA might have a backdoor to Windows. Unfortunately,
    however, all  of this  is based  on a  variable name.   Anyone who
    programs  knows  that  variables  might  get  named anything for a
    variety of  reasons.   One would  expect that  they would be named
    descriptively,  but  alas,  not  everyone  follows  such stringent
    conventions (can you spell "Easter Egg"?).

    The Conspiracy Theorist's theory goes:

        - The NSA has a signing key on your box.
        - The  NSA can  implant a  Trojan to  replace the module which
          performs  encryption  on  your  box  with  one  that doesn't
          perform  encryption,  and  because  the failure of signature
          verification against Microsoft's key is silent, they can get
          their trojan'd app up and running without you being any  the
        - The NSA can then sniff your traffic, now being conducted  in

    There's obviously  a ton  of variations  possible on  this theory,
    they take your  private key, they  replace your key  with another,
    etc...  They only have to get  a Trojan to you and get you  to run
    it, and  as those  same Conspiracy  Theorists always  say, there's
    likely bugs in the OS designed to allow them to do this...

    From Microsoft's Perspective:

        - We  want   to  have  one   build  of  our   products    that
          simultaneously   supports   weak   or   strong    encryption
        - We  want to  be able  to ship  this one  product world-wide,
          changing as few  bits as possible  for those that  are being
          shipped outside the U.S. and Canada.
        - We'll build an API (good, bad, or otherwise) that allows the
          controlled bits to be inserted into an infrastructure,  then
          get the infrastructure approved, and all will be good.
        - Commerce  (with  advice  from  lots of people including  the
          NSA),  agrees,  and  tells  Microsoft  they  have  to   sign
          everything  that  can  use  the  infrastructure.   That way,
          Microsoft can ship its  product anywhere, and Commerce  will
          know  that  only  those  products  that  have been signed by
          Microsoft will be able to run on the OS.
        - You want  to build a  Cryptographic Service Provider  (CSP),
          the  module  that  performs  the  encryption,  you gotta get
          Microsoft to sign it for it to run.  Microsoft doesn't  sign
          anything  that   doesn't  have   the  appropriate   Commerce
          Department Export approvals first.

    Wonderful, life's good, Microsoft doesn't have to manage  multiple
    versions based  on Crypto-strength,  folks can  implement whatever
    crypto they want (assuming its Commerce approved).

    So, whar's the problem?  Oh, the second key.  Russ Cooper was told
    the NSA insisted there had to  be a backup.  No explanation  as to
    why yet.  One theory that made a lot of sense was the simple  idea
    of; what happens  if Microsoft's key  is ever compromised?   Well,
    they'd simply  revoke it,  right?   Yeah, but  the problem is that
    you'd have no way of telling a Microsoft system that there's a new
    key.  You'd have to rely on  the old one to tell it about  the new
    one.  But if there's a backup key, and they're kept separate,  you
    could use the Backup to verify the new key to replace the primary.
    That's only  meaningful to  Microsoft since  there's no revocation
    lookup being done on the  primary anyway.  Microsoft would  have a
    way to salvage  its name by  using a new  key.  In  practice, this
    would be near  impossible to deploy,  but hey, at  least there's a
    way to do it securely.

    BUT, Andrew's  discovery goes  beyond this  NSA stuff.   There's a
    real issue here.  Andrew  has found that by replacing  the _NSAKEY
    with one  of your  own, you  are able  to add  a CSP to the system
    signed only by you.   This by-passes Microsoft's signing  controls
    (the ones  Commerce needed  to be  in place  to allow Microsoft to
    ship its products world-wide).   As Andrew says, "Export  controll
    is effectively dead for Windows."

    More importantly, it  means you can  add a CSP  that does whatever
    you want  it to  do, and  then modify  existing Windows .dlls that
    call  CryptoAPI  such  that  they  are  signed  by  you instead of
    Microsoft.  This will cause  them to fail the Microsoft  signature
    verification,  but  they'll  pass  verification  against  your own
    signature.  Windows will silently let them run and do whatever  it
    is you want  them to with  the CryptoAPI environment.   In theory,
    you  create  your  own  CSP  to  replace  Microsoft's supplied CSP
    (implementing whatever you  wanted in it,  say boosting 40-bit  to
    128-bit), modify the second key  to one of your own,  install your
    CSP  over  Microsoft's,  and  fire  up  any  application that uses
    CryptoAPI. The signature will fail Microsoft's verification,  pass
    yours, and everything  should work as  if you had  a U.S./Canadian

    Andrew's demonstration program effectively proves most of this:


    Sources close to Microsoft say that the key is a "Backup" key.  It
    is owned by Microsoft, and only Microsoft have the private key  to
    it.   The key  was named  "_NSAKEY" because  the NSA insisted that
    Microsoft  include  a  backup  key  in  their CryptoAPI before the
    Commerce Department would approve its inclusion in NT 4.0.

    If  there  were  only  one  key  present  in  the  system,  Andrew
    acknowledges, then this wouldn't  be possible.  However,  it would
    still be possible to subvert the export controls by trojanning all
    of the  necessary .dlls  used with  CryptoAPI with  ones signed by
    your key, and then replacing the Microsoft key with your own.  Its
    a lot  more work,  but it  would still  achieve the  same results.
    Nobody is  suggesting that  any of  this is  a Remote  Exploit, or
    something  you  have  to  worry  about  receiving in Email.  Sure,
    Andrew's  program  demonstrates  that  a  running  application can
    subvert  the   second  key   and  implement   its  own
    memory...which is possible but unreliable.

    Papers to study too is:

    One  reader  rightly  pointed  out  that the "repair program" from
    Cryptonym could be easily modified to become this malicious  piece
    of code.  Interesting point.