

    Win95, NT (end users bug)


    Following text is based on Peter Gutmann's "How to recover private
    keys for Microsoft Internet Explorer, Internet Information Server,
    Outlook Express,  and many  others" or  "Where do  your encryption
    keys  want  to  go  today?"   Whole  document  and and some othere
    regarding this subject can be found at:

    Microsoft use two different file formats to protect users  private
    keys when stored on disk, the original (unnamed) format which  was
    used in older versions of MSIE, IIS, and other software and  which
    is still  supported for  backwards-compatibility reasons  in newer
    versions, and the newer PFX/PKCS #12  format.  Due to a number  of
    design  and  implementation  flaws  in  Microsofts software, it is
    possible  to  break  the  security  of  both  of these formats and
    recover users  private keys,  often in  a matter  of seconds.   In
    addition, a major security hole in Microsofts CryptoAPI means that
    many keys  which aren't  stored on  a disk  file can  be recovered
    without even needing  to break the  encryption.  These  attacks do
    not rely for their success on the presence of weak,  US-exportable
    encryption, they also affect US versions.

    As  a  result  of  these  flaws,  no Microsoft internet product is
    capable  of  protecting  a  users  keys  from  hostile attack.  By
    combining the attacks described below with widely-publicised  bugs
    in MSIE which  allow hostile sites  to read the  contents of users
    hard drives or with an ActiveX control, or a new bug which cropped
    up only hours after this article was first published which  allows
    anyone to run arbitrary code on  a victims machine with no way  of
    stopping them,  a victim  can have  their private  key sucked  off
    their machine and the encryption  which "protects" it broken at  a
    remote site without their knowledge.

    Once an attacker has obtained a users private key in this  manner,
    they have  effectively stolen  their (digitial)  identity, and can
    use  it  to  digitally  sign  contracts and agreements, to recover
    every encryption session key it's  ever protected in the past  and
    will  ever  protect   in  the  future,   to  access  private   and
    confidential email, and so on and so on.  The ease with which this
    attack can  be carried  out represents  a critical  weakness which
    compromises all  other encryption  components on  web servers  and
    browsers  -  once  the  private  key  is compromised, all security
    services which depend on it are also compromised.

    A really clever attacker might even do the following:

        - Use (say) an MSIE bug to steal someones ActiveX code signing
        - Decrypt it using one of the attacks described below
        - Use it to sign an ActiveX control which steals other peoples
        - Put it on a web page and wait

    On the remote chance that the ActiveX control is discovered (which
    is extremely  unlikely, since  it runs  and deletes  itself almost
    instantly, and can't be  stopped even with the  highest "security"
    setting in MSIE), the attack will be blamed on the person the  key
    was stolen from rather than the real attacker.

    This demonstrates major problems  in both Microsoft's private  key
    security  (an  attacker  can  decrypt,  and therefore misuse, your
    private  key),  and  ActiveX  security  (an attacker can create an
    effectively  unstoppable  malicious  ActiveX  control  and, on the
    remote chance that it's ever discovered, ensure that someone  else
    takes the blame).

    In addition  to the  older format,  newer Microsoft  products also
    support the PKCS  #12 format (which  they originally called  PFX),
    which  Microsoft  render  as  insecure  as  the  older  format  by
    employing the RC2 cipher  with a 40-bit key.   This same level  of
    "security"  is  used  worldwide,  so  that  even  US  users get no
    security whatsoever when storing their private keys.  However even
    RC2/40 can take awhile to break (the exact definition of "a while"
    depends on how much computing  power you have available, for  most
    non-funded attackers it  ranges from a  few hours to  a few days).
    Fortunately, there are enough design flaws in PKCS #12 and bugs in
    Microsofts  implementation  to  ensure  that  we  can  ignore  the
    encryption key  size.   This has  the useful  - to  an attacker  -
    side-effect  that  even  if  Microsoft  switch to using RC2/128 or
    triple DES for the encryption, it doesn't make the attackers  task
    any more difficult.  By combining  the code to break the PKCS  #12
    format  with  the  code  mentioned  above  which  breaks the older
    format, we obtain a single program which, when run on either  type
    of key  file, should  be able  to recover  the users  private keys
    from most files in a matter of seconds.

    A (somewhat limited) example of this type of program is available
    in source code form from:

    with a precompiled DOS executable at:

    Because it's  meant as  a proof-of-concept  program it's  somewhat
    crude, and  restricted to  recovering passwords  which are  single
    dictionary words.  Note: This  does not mean that using  (say) two
    words as a password instead of one will protect your private  key.
    All it means  is that this  code is not  sophisticated - no  doubt
    anyone  who  was  serious  about  this  could adapt something like
    cracklib's  password-generation  rules  and  routines to provide a
    more comprehensive  and powerful  type of  attack.   Similarly, by
    making trivial changes to the  key file data format it's  possible
    to fool the program until someone makes an equally trivial  change
    to the program  to track the  format change -  this is meant  as a
    demonstrator only, not a do-everything encryption breaker.  To use
    the program, compile (or  use the precompiled version)  and invoke
    it with:

        breakms <Microsoft key file> <word list file>

    Here's what the  output should look  like (some of  the lines have
    been trimmed a bit):

    File is a PFX/PKCS #12 key file.
    Encrypted data is 1048 bytes long.
    The password which was used to encrypt this Microsoft PFX/PKCS #12 file is

    Modulus = 00BB6FE79432CC6EA2D8F970675A5A87BFBE1AFF0BE63E879F2AFFB93644D [...]
    Public exponent = 010001
    Private exponent = 6F05EAD2F27FFAEC84BEC360C4B928FD5F3A9865D0FCAAD291E2 [...]
    Prime 1 = 00F3929B9435608F8A22C208D86795271D54EBDFB09DDEF539AB083DA912D [...]
    Prime 2 = 00C50016F89DFF2561347ED1186A46E150E28BF2D0F539A1594BBD7FE4674 [...]
    Exponent 1 = 009E7D4326C924AFC1DEA40B45650134966D6F9DFA3A7F9D698CD4ABEA [...]
    Exponent 2 = 00BA84003BB95355AFB7C50DF140C60513D0BA51D637272E355E397779 [...]
    Coefficient = 30B9E4F2AFA5AC679F920FC83F1F2DF1BAF1779CF989447FABC2F5628 [...]

    One excuse  offered by  Microsoft is  that Windows  NT has  access
    control  lists  (ACL's)  for  files  which  can be used to protect
    against this attacks  and the one  described below.   However this
    isn't notably useful: Most users will be running Windows '95 which
    doesn't have  ACL's, of  the small  remainder using  NT most won't
    bother setting  the ACL's,  and in  any case  since the  attack is
    coming from  software running  as the  current user  (who has full
    access to the file), the ACL's  have no effect.  The ACL  issue is
    merely a red herring, and offers no further protection.

    There is a further attack possible (information provided by  Steve
    Henson) which works because Microsoft's security products rely  on
    the presence  of the  Microsoft CryptoAPI,  which has  a wonderful
    function  called  CryptExportKey().   This  function  hands over a
    users private key to anyone who asks for it.  The key is encrypted
    under the  current user,  so any  other program  running under the
    user can  obtain their  private key  with a  single function call.
    For example an  ActiveX control on  a web page  could ask for  the
    current users key, ship it out  to a remote site, and then  delete
    itself from the  system leaving no  trace of what  happened, a bit
    like the mail.exe program I wrote about 2 years ago which did  the
    same  thing  for  Windows  passwords.   If  the control is signed,
    there's  no  way  to  stop  it  from running even with the highest
    security level selected in  MSIE, and since it  immediately erases
    all traces of its existence the code signing is worthless.

    Newer versions of the CryptoAPI  which come with MSIE 4  allow the
    user to  set a  flag (CRYPT_USER_PROTECTED)  which specifies  that
    the key  export function  should be  protected with  no protection
    (the default), user notification, or password protection.  However
    the way this is implemented makes it mostly ineffective.  Firstly,
    if the certificate request script used to generate the key doesn't
    set this flag, you end up with the default of "no protection" (and
    the majority of users will just use the default of "no protection"
    anyway).   Although  Microsoft  claim  that  "reputable CA's won't
    forget  to  set  this  flag",  a  number of CA's tested (including
    Verisign) don't  bother to  set it.   Because of  this, they don't
    even  provide  the  user  with  the  option of selecting something
    other than "no security whatsoever".

    In addition  at least  one version  of CryptoAPI  would allow  the
    "user notification" level of  security to be bypassed  by deleting
    the  notification  dialog  resource  from  memory so that the call
    would quietly fail and the  key would be exported anyway  (this is
    fairly  tricky  to  do  and  involves  playing with the CPU's page
    protection mechanism, there  are easier ways  to get the  key than

    Finally, the "password protection" level of security asks for  the
    password a whopping 16  (yes, *sixteen*) times when  exporting the
    key, even though it only needs  to do this once.  After  about the
    fifth time the user will probably click on the "remember password"
    box,  moving  them  back  to  zero  security until they reboot the
    machine and clear the setting, since the key will be exported with
    no notification  or password  check once  the box  is clicked.  To
    check which  level of  security you  have, try  exporting your key
    certificate.   If  there's  no  warning/password  dialog, you have
    zero  security  for  your  key,  and  don't  even  need to use the
    encryption-breaking  technique  I   describe  elsewhere  in   this
    article.   Any  web  page  you  browse  could be stealing your key
    (through an embedded ActiveX control) without you ever being aware
    of it.

    The Microsoft key format used by older softare such as MSIE 3.0 is
    very  susceptible  to  both  a  dictionary attack and to keystream
    recovery.   It uses  the PKCS  #8 format  for private  keys, which
    provides a  large amount  of known  plaintext at  the start of the
    data, in  combination with  RC4 without  any form  of IV  or other
    preprocessing  (even  though  PKCS  #8  recommends  that  PKCS  #5
    password-based encryption  be used),  which means  you can recover
    the first 100-odd bytes of key stream with a simple XOR (the  same
    mistake they made  with their .PWL  files, which was  publicised 2
    1/2 years  earlier).   Although the  password is  hashed with  MD5
    (allowing them to claim the use of a 128-bit key), the way the key
    is applied provides almost no security.  This means two things:

    1. It's very simple to write a program to perform a dictionary
       attack on the server key (it originally took about half an
       hour using cryptlib:

       another half hour to rip  the appropriate code out of  cryptlib
       to create a standalone program,  and a few minutes to  retarget
       the program from Netscape to Microsoft).

    2. The recovered key stream  from the encrypted server key  can be
       used to decrypt  any other resource  encrypted with the  server
       password,  *without  knowing  the  password*.   This is because
       there's  enough   known  plaintext   (ASN.1  objects,    object
       identifiers, and  public key  components) at  the start  of the
       encrypted data to recover large quantities of key stream.  This
       means that  even if  you use  a million-bit  encryption key, an
       attacker can  still recover  at least  the first  100 bytes  of
       anything you encrypt  without needing to  know your key  (Frank
       Stevenson's glide.exe  program uses  this to  recover passwords
       from Windows .PWL files in a fraction of a second).

    The problem here is caused by a combination of the PKCS #8  format
    (which is rather nonoptimal  for protecting private keys)  and the
    use of RC4 to encryt fixed, known plaintext.  Since everything  is
    constant, you don't even  need to run the  password-transformation
    process more than once - just store a dictionary of the  resulting
    key stream for each password in a database, and you can break  the
    encryption with a single lookup (this would be avoided by the  use
    of PKCS #5 password-based encryption, which iterates the key setup
    and  uses  a  salt  to   make  a  precomputed  dictionary   attack
    impossible.  PKCS #5 states that its primary intended  application
    is for protecting private keys, but Microsoft (and Netscape) chose
    not to use this and went with straight RC4 encryption instead).

    The PFX/PKCS #12 format is vastly more complex (and braindamaged)
    than the older format.  You can find an overview of some of the
    bletcherousness in this format at:

    After Microsoft  originally designed  the format  (calling it PFX)
    and presented it  to the world  as a fait  accompli, cleanup crews
    from  other  companies  rushed  in  and  fixed  some  of the worst
    problems and security flaws.  In  fact PFX was so bad that  it was
    unimplementable as designed, so it was renamed and  transmogrified
    into  PKCS  #12  (although  there  are  various  claims  in vendor
    literature that what's  being supported is  PFX and/or PKCS  #12 -
    the exact situation is complex and confusing).  By the time it was
    finalised, Microsoft had  already shipped an  implementation which
    was based on an earlier version with a number of flaws and  holes,
    and didn't want to change their  code any more.  A side-effect  of
    this  was  that  to  be  compatible,  other  vendors  had  to copy
    Microsofts  bugs   rather  than   produce  an   implementation  in
    accordance with the standard.  Newer versions of the standard have
    now been amended  to define the  implementation bugs as  a part of
    the standard.  Anyway, as a result of this it's possible to  mount
    three  independant  types  of  attack  on Microsoft's PFX/PKCS #12

        1. Attack the RC2/40 encryption used in all versions, even the
           US-only one.
        2. Attack the MAC used to protect the entire file.  Since  the
           same password is  used for the  MAC and the  encrypted key,
           recovering the MAC password also recovers the password used
           to encrypt the private key.  The cleanup crews added a  MAC
           iteration count to make  this attack harder, but  Microsoft
           ignored it.
        3. Attack the private key  encryption key directly.  Like  the
           MAC's, this also has an interation count.  Microsoft  don't
           use it.

    Even if one of these flaws is fixed, an attacker can simply switch
    over and concentrate  on a different  flaw.  Obviously  (1) is out
    (you need to perform 2^39 RC2 key schedules on average to find the
    key), which leaves us (2) and (3).  It turns out that an attack on
    the private key encryption is significantly more efficient than an
    attack on the MAC.  To  understand how the attack works, you  need
    to look at how PKCS #12 does its key processing.  The original PFX
    spec included only some very vague thoughts on how to do this.  In
    later  PKCS  #12  versions  this  evolved  into a somewhat garbled
    offshoot  of  the  PKCS  #5  and  TLS  key processing methods.  To
    decrypt  data  which  is  "protected"  using  the  PKCS  #12   key
    processing, you need to do the following:

        - construct a  64-byte "diversifier" (which  differs depending
          on whether you want to set up a key or an IV) and hash it;
        - stretch  the salt  out to  64 bytes  and hash  it after  the
          diversifier hash;
        - stretch  the  password  out  to  64  bytes (using  incorrect
          processing of  the text  string, this  is one  of Microsofts
          implementation bugs  which has  now become  enshrined in the
          standard) and hash it after the salt hash;
        - complete the hash and  return the resulting value as  either
          the key or the IV, depending on the diversifier setting;

    [it's  actually  rather  more  complex   than  that,  this  is   a
    stripped-down version which is equivalent to what Microsoft use]

    This process is carried out twice,  once for the key and once  for
    the IV.  The hashing is performed using SHA-1, and each of the two
    invocations  of  the  process  require  4 passes through the SHA-1
    compression  function,  for  a  total  of  8  passes  through  the
    function.  Because  the PKCS #12  spec conveniently requires  that
    all data be  stretched out to  64 bytes, which  happens to be  the
    data  block  size  for  SHA-1,  there's  no  need  for  the  input
    processing which  is usually  required for  SHA-1 so  we can strip
    this  code  out  and  feed  the  data  directly  into  the   SHA-1
    compression function.  Thus  the compression function (along  with
    the RC2  key setup)  is the  limiting factor  for the  speed of an
    attack.  Obviously we want  to reduce the effort required  as much
    as possible.  As it turns out, we can eliminate 6 of the 8 passes,
    cutting  our  workload  by  75%.   First,  we observe that the the
    diversifier is a constant value,  so instead of setting it  up and
    hashing it, we precompute the hash and store the hash value.  This
    eliminates the diversifier, and one pass through SHA-1.  Next,  we
    observe that the salt never  changes for the file being  attacked,
    so again instead  of setting it  up and hashing  it, we precompute
    the  hash  and  store  the   hash  value.   This  eliminates   the
    diversifier, and another pass through SHA-1.  Finally, all  that's
    left  is  the  password.   This  requires  two  passes through the
    compression  function,  one  for  the password (again conveniently
    stretched to 64 bytes) and a second one to wrap up the hashing.

    In theory we'd need to repeat this process twice, once to generate
    the decryption key and a second time to generate the decryption IV
    which is used to encrypt the data in CBC mode.  However the  start
    of the decrypted plaintext is:

        SEQUENCE {
          SEQUENCE {

    and the SEQUENCE is  encoded as 30 82  xx xx (where xx  xx are the
    length bytes).  This means the first  8 bytes will be 30 82 xx  xx
    30 82 xx xx,  and will be followed  by the object identifier.   We
    can therefore skip the  first 8 bytes and,  using them as the  IV,
    decrypt the second  8 bytes and  check for the  object identifier.
    This eliminates the second PKCS #12 key initialisation call  which
    is normally required  to generate the  IV.  As  this analysis (and
    the program) shows,  Microsoft managed to  design and implement  a
    "security" format in which you can eliminate 75% of the encryption
    processing work while  still allowing an  attack on the  encrypted
    data.  To make it even  easier for an attacker, they then  reduced
    the  key  to  only  40  bits,  even  in the US-only version of the
    software.   In  fact  this  doesn't  really  have  any  effect  on
    security, even if they used 128-bit RC2 or triple DES or whatever,
    it  would  provide  no  extra  security  thanks  to the broken key


    1. Fix  up  their  PKCS  #12  implementation to avoid the  several
       weaknesses Peter described.  Even better would be to redo  PKCS
       #12 (for example by  submitting it to the  IETF standardisation
       process), because the current version is a pretty awful  design
       which seems to have been driven more by political and marketing
       considerations than security requirements.
    2. Do  something about  CryptExportKey().   I'm not  sure what the
       best solution is, since I don't know how much software would be
       affected by changing it.