

    Win NT 3.51, 4.0


    NT  allows  any  user  to  create  local  groups  on  the   domain
    controller.  This is meant to allow people to set access  controls
    easily.   If not  abused, it  is a  Good Thing.   However, if  you
    create a LOT of groups, you'll fill up the registry, make the  SAM
    really huge,  and crash  the server.   It will  be a  real PITA to
    clean up the mess, too.   The guys over at Infoworld  thoughtfully
    posted a BASIC script which allows any user (even users without  a
    brain) to use this feature to down an NT domain controller.   Note
    that all copies of NT come with a BASIC interpreter.

    Example of  this feature  would be  the marketing  manager who can
    create  a  marketing  group,  put  all  the marketing staff in the
    group, and then give access to a sensitive marketing document only
    to this group. Access Control Lists need only be set for assigning
    resources  to  the  group  and  not  to  each individual user. The
    command syntax is simple:

        net localgroup [groupname] /add /domain.

    Alarming thing is the ease with which an inexperienced user  could
    automate this process to silently create millions of Local  Groups
    in the space of a few hours. For example, this simple Quick  Basic
    program would do the trick:

        DIM var AS INTEGER
        DIM hack1 AS STRING
        DIM hack2 AS STRING
        DO WHILE var < 10000000
        var = var + 1
        hack1 = hack1 + LTRIM$(STR$ (var))
        hack2 = "net localgroup" +
        hack1 + " /add /domain"
        SHELL hack2

    This  will  also  replicate  to  the  BDCs and take them down too.
    Groups  are  SAM  objects  like  anything  else  and  need  to  be
    replicated across BDCs (if  you can promote a  BDC to PDC then  it
    needs to contain everything that the PDC does SAM-wise).  Once the
    SAM grows, it does not automatically compact itself, and there  is
    no utility to do so. KB article:

    explains 3 methods that  could be used to  reduce the size of  the
    SAM after you  have manually deleted  all of the  unwanted groups,
    but none of them are quick  or friendly.  These extra SAM  entries
    also consume physical memory, so you don't need to completely fill
    the SAM with wanton  groups in order to  create a problem for  DCs
    with limited RAM.


    Disabling the Domain_Create_Alias functionality for some users may
    be a way to prevent the "vulnerability", but it does so at a  loss
    of expected functionality  (meaning you need  to think about  just
    who/what you are going to deny). Auditing gives you the details of
    who did the dirty deed.

    Microsoft confirmed this  has been a  documented NT feature  since
    Version 3.1 and  the company wrote  a utility called  CREATALS.EXE
    to restrict this ability  to administrator-defined accounts.   You
    can download CREATALS.EXE from:

    If you have RestrictAnonymous=1 set  in your registry and you  run
    the  CREATALS.EXE  program  the  result  is that LSASS.EXE goes to
    50/100% utilization and you will  not be able to establish  remote
    connections  to  your  PDC  (not  IIS,  not Exchange, not DNS, not
    nothing!). You will,  however, still be  able to operate  from the
    console.  If this has already  happened to you then you will  need
    to do the following;

        - invoke regedt32
        - goto hkey_local_machine\system\currentcontrolset\control\lsa
        - change the value on RestrictAnonymous to 0
        - shutdown and restart

    LSASS will be back to normal once you've done this, but of  course
    you will also have disabled your RestrictAnonymous setting!

    In the  meantime, David  LeBlanc wrote  a little  app to help with
    this issue.   It attaches  to the  security logs  and watches  for
    someone adding new groups.  If  it sees 10 groups out of  the same
    user  within  an  hour,  it  then  disables the user's account and
    tosses them off the server.  His app can be had from: