Mnemonix found following. COM and DCOM are where the major holes
in Windows 2000 are going to be found. Here's an example on
Windows 2000 Professional (Beta 3):
Run regsvr32 /n /i:U shell32.dll
This registers the shell32.dll - but also note it starts the
MSInstaller Service (msiexec.exe). regsrv32.exe loads msi.dll and
msi.dll uses COM to COCreate[an]Instance() of of the MSIServer.
regsvr32.exe speaks to the SCM (svchost.exe), svchost.exe speaks
to services.exe and services.exe starts opens the
HKCR\AppID\{000C101...} key and reads in the LocalService value
of MSIServer, navigates to the
key and starts the service's image file - msiexec.exe. By changing
the LocalService value to Spooler running
regsvr32 /n /i:U shell32.dll then starts
the Spooler service.
Problem 1)
Power user has NTFS permissions by default to change spoolsv.exe
Problem 2)
Power user has the Set Value permission for the HKCR\AppID\{000C101...}
registry key.
Problem 1 + Problem 2 = Power User to Administrator
Mnemonix didn't tested this yet on Server but oen would imagine
this would go for the likes of Backup and Server Operators. He
wrote (he wrote 1/10th and the MFC wizard did the rest) an MFC
app that will edit the registry (changing MSIServer to Spooler),
COleDispatchDriver cdd;
which starts the spooler service. Copying cmd.exe over spoolsv.exe
and running the program drops you into a Command Prompt with
system privileges.
Talking about copying cmd.exe over spoolsv.exe - the Protect
Storage service doesn't like it. It'll pop up a window and tell
you to set it back. Humour the pop up and click on OK - see
spoolsv.exe? That's your cmd.exe disguised as spoolsv.exe - right
click on it and click on Open - winlogon.exe opens it for you -
not on your desktop. But who cares - just overwrite spoolsv.exe
with a program that'll do the dirty work for you. If anyone wants
a copy mail Mnemonix.
Anyway - what about the telnet service and COM? Well, that's a
another story. A few other things to be fixed before the Final
Product comes out:
Buffer overrun in regsvr32.exe
run regsvr32 /n /i:U AAAAAAAAAAlots of AAAAAAs
Wouldn't like to have that in an INF file. There's also buffer
overrun in wscript.exe. Should a non-power user be able to add
another user account using the net user command?
Clicking on Start -> Run Explorer looks in the root of the drive
for the exe or app for any command run from here eg. C:\ before
checking the %systemroot% or %systemroot%\system32 directory. Not
good for trojans.
Nothing yet (it's beta3 - don't forget that).