

    Win NT 4.0 (server)


    An attacker can  send a query  to a DNS  server asking for  the IP
    address (for example, of The DNS server  sends
    a  recursive  query  on  behalf  of  the client at which point the
    attacker floods the  DNS server with  responses indicating the  IP
    address  (for  example,  for  it  may   return,)  or  any  other  incorrect  response as desired by the
    attacker.  The  DNS  server  caches  this  result  and  subsequent
    queries for this site return the incorrect IP address. The  cached
    entry can  be set  to live  for an  arbitrarily long  time in  the
    cache and is not purged until the DNS server is reset.

    The Domain  Name System  (DNS) is  used to  resolve names  with IP
    addresses and a DNS  query can be sent  to any DNS server.  If the
    server does  not have  the authoritative  answer to  the query, it
    can ask other DNS servers in the DNS tree for the answer. This  is
    called  a  recursive  query.  The  result  of a recursive query is
    cached by  the originating  DNS server  to improve  performance. A
    DNS server may have many outstanding recursive queries at any  one
    moment  in  time  and  each  outstanding  query is identified by a
    query ID.

    Microsoft  Windows  NT  (and  many   other)  DNS  servers  use   a
    predictable  sequence  of  query  IDs  when  resolving   recursive
    queries.   If  an  attacker  can  determine  the  current sequence
    number, they can determine  future sequence numbers. Knowledge  of
    future sequence numbers helps an attacker flood a DNS server  with
    spoofed  responses  to  recursive  queries.  This  makes  a "cache
    pollution" attack easier to accomplish.

    Attack (by SNI) goes like this:

        .  HOST.ATTACKER.COM is the attacking host.

        .  DNS.ATTACKER.COM  is ATTACKER.COM's nameserver,  we presume
           that  this  is  the  only  name  server for ATTACKER.COM to
           simplify the description.

        .  DNS.TARGET.COM  is the target  nameserver which runs  BIND.
           What we will attempt to  do is add an A  (address) resource
           record on DNS.TARGET.COM that will resolve  WWW.SPOOFED.COM
           to   We  are  sure  that WWW.SPOOFED.COM is not
           cached in DNS.TARGET.COM's DNS cache.

        .   DNS.SPOOFED.COM  is   the  nameserver  for   SPOOFED.COM's
            domain.  We have determined this before the attack begins.
            Once again  we just  presume its the only  one in order to
            simplify this description.

    The Attack

        A.  First a  query is  sent to  DNS.TARGET.COM asking for  the
            address  of  UNKNOWN.ATTACKER.COM.   Our  query  has   the
            recursion desired bit set, meaning that if the  nameserver
            we  are  querying  has  recursion  enabled,  it will query
            another nameserver  with our  query (assuming  it does not
            have the information cached).

        B.  DNS.TARGET.COM  will  first  determine  who  serves    the
            ATTACKER.COM domain,  then it  will build  a query  packet
            and send it to DNS.ATTACKER.COM.

        C.  We sniff  DNS.ATTACKER.COM's local  network and   retrieve
            the   query    packet    sent   by    DNS.TARGET.COM    to
            DNS.ATTACKER.COM.   We  can  then  determine  the query ID
            (qid0) used by DNS.TARGET.COM.  Chances are that the  next
            queries generated  by DNS.TARGET.COM  will have  query IDs
            that  will  fall  in  the  range  [qid0,qid0+N] where N is
            dependent  on  the  amount  of  queries  DNS.TARGET.COM is
            generating  in  the  period  of  time  on which the attack
            takes place.  N is usually <= 10 for most cases.

        D.  Once we have  determined what the next query  ID generated
            will  be,  we  send  a  query to DNS.TARGET.COM asking for
            WWW.SPOOFED.COM's address.

        E.  Then   we  start   sending  spoofed   DNS  replies    from
            DNS.SPOOFED.COM,     telling      DNS.TARGET.COM      that
            WWW.SPOOFED.COM is ''.

        F.  If we guessed the  query ID used by DNS.TARGET.COM in  its
            recursed query  and our  response is  received first,  our
            response will be  taken as valid  and the address  will be
            cached.   Subsequent  responses   will  be  discarded   as
            duplicates.   We  can  always  send  many  (N*M)   spoofed
            packets with different IDs  in the range (qid0,qid0+N]  so
            we  will  be  sure  that  at  least  one  of them will hit
            DNS.TARGET.COM and  have the  'right' ID.   M is  a factor
            dependent of the amount of  UDP packets we expect to  lose
            on their way to DNS.TARGET.COM.

    This attack depends on a few things to succeed:

    1. The  attacker  has  complete  control  of    DNS.ATTACKER.COM's
       network, he  can both  spoof and  sniff DNS  packets there.  In
       particular, he can sniff DNS packets sent to DNS.ATTACKER.COM.

    2. Spoofed DNS responses sent from the attacker to  DNS.TARGET.COM
       must   be   received   before    the   legit   response    from
       DNS.SPOOFED.COM.  This is very easy to achieve.  In testing  we
       have not  yet encountered  a situation  where we  could not get
       our packets to the nameserver first.

    3. The  name  server  on  DNS.TARGET.COM  supports  recursion  and
       caches  responses.   This  is  common  practice.   It should be
       noted   that   most   nameservers   allow   recursion   (unless
       specifically  denied  by  configuration  options).   Root  name
       servers, however, do not allow recursion.

    If DNS.TARGET.COM  caches negative  responses as  well (NCACHE), a
    denial of service attack can  be performed, in this case,  spoofed
    responses  sent  by  the  attacker  will  tell DNS.TARGET.COM that
    WWW.SPOOFED.COM does not exist (and be authorative on this).

    The  existence  of  several  nameservers  for the domains does not
    alter the basic outline of  this attack.  The attacker  would only
    need  to  send  DNS  responses  with  source  addresses of each of
    SPOOFED.COM's  nameservers.   (N*M*I  responses,  where  I  is the
    number of nameservers).


    The Microsoft  DNS Server  has been  modified to  use random query
    IDs.   Random query  IDs reduce  the effectiveness  of this  cache
    pollution attack. Obtain the following  fix, or wait for the  next
    Windows  NT  service  pack.   This  hotfix  has been posted to the
    following Internet location:

    following path:
