NT DNS


    Win NT 4.0


    Geoff Halprin found that NT 4.0 implements an implicit DNS  search
    order.  Seems like a  simple, harmless statement, but actually  it
    creates two major security holes...

    Old (deprecated) DNS client behaviour was to implement an implicit
    search  path  for  domain   name  lookups.   Basically,  it   will
    implicitly  escalate  an  unsuccessful   DNS  request  for   (eg.)
    HOST.DOMAIN.COM.AU  then  HOST.COM.AU  and,  maybe  even,  HOST.AU
    before returning an error.

    As you can  see, this can  lead to a  name being resolved  against
    entirely the wrong  host, and one  which is in  another company or
    even country.

    This is deprecated behaviour, and should be disabled, or at  least
    have a registry setting which does disable it. For more on  search
    paths, see  the O'Reilly  DNS book,  pp. 95  (2nd Ed).  Of course,
    being  deprecated  behaviour,  that  means  NT implements it.  The
    problem  is  made  more  subtle  (hidden)  by  Microsoft - a blank
    "search order"  in the  DNS config  screens would  imply no search
    order, rather than 'use an undocumented deprecated one'.

    Problem #A:

        If a site is not using WINS, but incorrectly sets the  "Enable
        DNS for Windows" option. Configuring  a machine HOSTA in in  a
        workgroup WG  and a  DNS domain  DOMAIN.COM.AU will  result in
        netbios attempting to exchange  browser lists (or similar  - I
        am   not    sure   exactly    what   it    is   doing)    with
        HOSTA.WG.DOMAIN.COM.AU     and,     failing     that,     with

    Problem #B:

        If a site  does use WINS,  but a machine  is turned off  (e.g.
        for the  weekend) or  crashes, then  the client  will escalate
        the  query  as  previously  described.   This  version  of the
        problem is far more insideous. A site with good NT  expertise,
        who has done everything  right, is still susceptible  should a
        box crash (or the network to it).

    In both  cases, the  potential to  exchange classified information
    exists, and most  definitely a storm  of NETBIOS traffic  every 13
    minutes results.  This means that by turning a machine off (or  it
    BSODing) my private internal  company traffic is suddenly  heading
    out over the  Internet!  No  authorisation, no logging,  silently.
    The only  way to  stop it  is with  a firewall (filtering router),
    which is also the only way to detect it.  Someone less  scrupulous
    could easily craft a fake  NETBIOS server to exchange false  lists
    and extract this information.

    The problem relates to name resolution, and the effect is a  whole
    lot  of  unauthorised  NETBIOS  traffic  to  your site from random
    sites across the  world.  (Actual  symptom: attempts from  foreign
    site  to  connect  to  port  UDP/137  [netbios-ns]  on one of your
    (probably not even NT) hosts.)   The upshot of this is that  sites
    all across  the Internet  are being  blasted with  NETBIOS packets
    every  thirteen  minutes  because  their  registered  domain  name
    happens to coincide with a mis-formation of a random NT  workgroup
    name.  Example  could be Geoff's  case where he  as the registered
    owner  of  ''  and  ''  get  more of these
    because 'sysadmin' and 'is' are common host and workgroup names.


    Many organisations do not use  WINS, and certainly don't use  WINS
    through DNS. So it is important to make sure that the "Enable  DNS
    for Windows" option (very  badly named) on the  WINS configuration
    screen is disabled.  This stops problem A dead.

    I do not know of a workaround to problem B other than the  correct
    solution.   The  solution  is  simple;  either  (a)  remove   this
    deprecated  functionality,  or  (b)  create  a registry setting to
    disable it (which should default to disabled).