Win NT 4.0 (Server) running MS DNS service
Jason T. Luttgens upon experimenting on port 65589 found another
way to get the CPU utilization to rise.
This time the kernel percentage rises with it. All you have to
do is telnet to port 65589 (this is port 53, or the DNS port as it
is better known), type in one character (it seems as though it
must be a letter), and hit enter. You will be disconnected from
the host and it's CPU utilization will rise.
How much it rises and affects the system seems to highly depend on
the setup. On a P75 with 32MB RAM, it's pegged at 100%. On a dual
P133 with 64MB RAM, it averages at 65-70%. However, this only
lasts approximately 5 minutes. The processes eating up the CPU
time were a combination of services.exe and dns.exe.
However, remote users can cause a denial of DNS service. SNI
(Secure Networks Inc.) provided more details in their advisory.
The Microsoft DNS Server has been modified to to correct this
problem. Obtain the following fix or wait for the next Windows
NT service pack. This hotfix has been posted to the following
Internet location:
following path: