

    Microsoft Excel 97 (prior?)


    Clive Flint found following.  Everytime one tries to print a sheet
    the     computer     will      crash     showing     the      BSOD
    (KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED).   Investigation  showed  that there
    was a cell  with over 3700  spaces in it.   When this was  removed
    the spreadsheet started working again properly.  Seeing that today
    everything seems to be integrated,  malicous user may use this  to
    crash your system via httpd request.  This was tested with:

        NT4 with SP4
        Excel 97
        HP4000TN printer via the jetdirect card on a Novell 3.12 Network
        Printing to LPT2 redirected to the network via a NET USE command

    Other printers were tested with varying results.


    Dunno.  It  is still unclear  if this is  Excel problem or  not as
    tests with other printers were varying (sounds like printer driver
    problem).  Anyway, remote exploit is obviously possible and  there
    is no simple answer how to correct that at user level.